Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

27 Nov

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Throughout the game, from farmers to investors, we're slowly progressing through the 19th century and ultimately entering the early 20th century, with certain innovations (e.g. machines, airships) and architectural achievements (e.g. skyscrapers) - we are not limiting us to e.g. everything up to 1870 or something. The small step into the early 19th century is intentional.
Additionally - and even more importantly: Anno games do take inspiration by real history, but are by no means aspiring to be historically accurate. The Anno world is its own thing, with its own characters, timelines and rules.

Of course it's fair to not like our approach, but comparisons with our real world history are only partially useful when Anno is set in its own world.

15 Nov

    Ubi-Thrupney on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya @Rainer194 🙂

Just posting to echo what @Asterix201252 has very kindly relayed! Here on this forum, prefer that players speak in English. This is because we prefer to avoid automatic translation tools if we can, since they can lead to misunderstandings. Instead, we feel it is best for players to speak to other players who speak their preferred language.

To talk about Anno 1800 in German, please go here: ...

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11 Nov


Hey there @Humility925!

Sorry to see you're getting frustrated with some game balance and resource scarcity topics. I'm gonna shift your thread over to the Gameplay discussions, as that is the best place for the Team to collect feedback!

10 Nov

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well.

I have edited your post @Humility925 and locked this thread as account/save sharing is against our ...

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01 Nov

    Ubi-Thrupney on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @annaminous and @Markish_Jet , thanks for reaching out about this!

It's certainly true that language options are often meant to be changed from within Ubisoft Connect, outside of the game. However, regional copies of our games can still have language restrictions. We list the available languages for each game on our store, accurate to the regional store you are shopping from.

If you'd like us to double-check which languages your copy of the game has, our support specialists can help with that, by having a look at which version is activated on your account. However, please be advised that they will not be able to change which languages are available, only report to you which ones are already there. Please use the links below to get in t...

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18 Oct

    Ubi-Cintre on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Asterix201252,

Sorry for the delay. I have moved your topic in the intended section 🙂

27 Sep

    Ubi-Milky on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Irishoholic, thank you for your sharing your thoughts and ideas on changes you would like to see made to saving games.

I will move this thread to our player General Discussion section of the forum to see if there are other players who would like to contribute to this topic, so it can be seen by other players discussing the current gameplay, and also our game devs.

If you have any more feedback about the game, please make sure to post this in our General Discussion area of the forum, as the Player Support section is more for bug reporting and technical issues, thank you!

20 Sep

    UbiCecce on Forums - Thread - Direct

The full Release Notes for Game Update 15 are available on the Anno Union: (

05 Sep

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

@lune0792 Hey, the "Eden Burning" scenario is the only scenario that was added for free for all our players.
The "Seasons of Silver" scenario is part of DLC 10 (Seeds of Change), the upcoming DLC 11 will add the "Clash of Couriers" scenario and DLC 12 will also add a scenario at the end of the year.

22 Aug

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey shaner9596,

thank you for your question.
Both the silver production chain as well as the islands are exclusive to the "Seasons of Silver" scenario, there are no plans to add them to the regular sandbox game.

18 Aug

    Ubi-TheBerry on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this additional feedback @G3MonkeyHead , we appreciate it and it's been passed on!

04 Jul

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey HarryBotterly,
there are right now no plans to integrate FSR 2.0 support for Anno 1800 due to technical constraints.

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey ysbrad81, thank you for your question!
We are indeed looking into this topic for later this year. While I can't promise it yet, there is a chance the tooltip delay option might make a comeback for Anno 1800.

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there!

On the scale topic: You may notice a few things like that in the game. That's usually not an oversight, though, but intended: We have to make sure that everything is well-visible from your standard "eagle- view". That sometimes means changing the scale of objects, but also creating very distinctively different looking buildings - if we wanted to be authentic here, many of the factories would look the same and probably had roofs over everything.

You have a good point on the type of feedback units, though. It might be that we left out a generation, visually.
However, at this point we're not really planning to add more feedback units to the game except when they're needed for a new feature, for example. It's a good suggestion for the future, though, to diversify the pool of feedback units.

18 May

12 May

    Ubi-Karl on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Bloodlex2, thank you for your response and I can confirm that I have now forwarded your suggestion over to our development team accordingly.

We do very much appreciate your input there and if you have any queries or run into any difficulties, feel free to reach out at any time!

09 May

    Ubi-TheBerry on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for getting back to us @bloodlex2 !

Would it be possible to share a clip of this behaviour too please?

We can then pass it onto the team for further investigation.

Much appreciated!

04 May

    Ubi-Milky on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello bloodlex2 thank you for your post.

Could I please ask you to clarify what this request is for my own understanding of it, please?

When you say you 'lose a saved camera location', do you mean you focus your camera on a particular island or building, save your game, then exit the game, then upon reloading the game, you are looking at a totally different part of the map, or is the issue something different?

03 May

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Bloodlex2 🙂

Thank you for your suggestion on camera positions. However, this is not something we're planning to add right now.

For quickly switching between islands, I'd suggest using the minimap and clicking on the island you want to go.
That should also be faster than using a separate menu.

    Ubi-Thorlof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for your feedback on this.

Certainly something we can look into, however, I think for orders in the same session, simply using the minimap to give these orders would be faster (and require less clicks) than going through an additional menu.