Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

26 Dec

    Ubi-Chiral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Clickbeetle!

Really sorry to see this! Thank you however for the image and for bringing this up. Do you notice this with any other decorations or just that Tropical Forest Element 7 decoration?

I've raised this concern to the team at this time! If you notice it occurring with any other decorations, I can forward that information to the team as well.

    Ubi-Chiral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @hundreAd1800

Thank you for bringing this up! I understand it's frustrating not seeing an actual upgrade to the way the transporter functions after you've upgraded to a new type of transporter. That said, I've forwarded the feedback to the team at this time. If you notice something similar with any other transports, please let me know what you're seeing and with which ones so I can make note of that as well!

    Ubi-Chiral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for reaching back out! The team confirmed that this is working as intended as all production buildings in the New World have only 1 cart. If you have any further questions about this, please let us know!

    Ubi-Chiral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @AuddieD! Apologies for the delay getting to your post!

Really sorry to hear about this issue! So I can get a better idea of what's happening, you mentioned this issue did not occur for 3 runs and then it did occur for 3 more recent runs, what if anything changed between those different sets of runs?

Sounds like you've tried several different things in game already, thank you for that information! Could you also try any of our general troubleshooting steps ...

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24 Dec

    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Zarastro06 Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that an audio Issue is impacting your experience !

For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the Issue, I invite you to let us know if the problem persists after following the steps of our dedicated PC troubleshooting guide, which helps solve most of the problems encountered on that platform, by verifying the game files for anything missing / corrupted for examp...

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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@lunatyyk Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that this AI Issue impacted your experience in multiplayer !

Your other message on the topic has been deleted, to bring the best possible visibility to this one.

For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the Issue, I invite you to provide us with the following :

👉 Are there mods active ?

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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@hundreAd1800 Hi !

I've taken note of your report regarding sewing machines, and I'm sorry to hear that it impacts your experience in Anno 1800 !

For the purpose of our investigation, I invite you to provide us with the following :

👉 Screenshot showing the icon Issue


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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@MigAng11 Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, as well as the video provided by @Asterix201252 (many thanks for that by the way), and I'm sorry to hear that this sound Issue impacts your experience !

For the purpose of our investigation, I invite you both to provide us with the following :

👉 Does the problem persist after following the steps of our dedicated PC troubleshooting guide ?


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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@hundreAd1800 @Humility925 Hi !

I've taken note of your messages in this thread, and I wanted to thank you for sharing your insights on the Influence in Anno 180...

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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Bzhydack Hi !

I've taken note of your report regarding an Issue with aluminium smelters, and I'm sorry to hear that it impacts your experience !

For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the Issue, I invite you to provide us with the following :

👉 Does the Issue persist in a new campaign ?


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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@SirHarryPierce @Bzhydack Hi !

I've taken note of your reports, and I'm sorry to hear that this bridge Issue impacts your experience !

For the purpose of...

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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Di_Figiano Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that error LR40 is impacting your multiplayer experience !

In order to isolate the Issue, I invite you yo provide us with the following :

👉 Were mods active when the error happened ?


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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Admin-C Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that an Issue with Peace Treaties is impacting your experience in Anno 1800 !

For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the Issue, I invite you to provide us with the following :

👉 Does the problem persist after completely uninstalling mods, ...

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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@hundreAd1800 Hi !

I've taken note of your feedback regarding Hacienda breweries.

For the purpose of our investigation, I invite you to provide us with the following :

👉 Screenshots showing the differences between the 2 breweries

👉 Are there any mods ...

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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@hundreAd1800 @MGuenny Hi !

I've taken note of your messages, and I wanted to thank you for all the insights shared in this thread !


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    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@hundreAd1800 Hi !

I've taken note of your question regarding electricity imports in Anno 1800.

In this case, you will need to import oil and store it in your harbor with the required building.

Can you get electricity after storing enough oil ?

I wish you happy holidays, and if you have questions, or for any other Issue, don't hesitate to reach out to us !

    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@lgriffio @kao16 @The-World-Eater Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your questions regarding the Issue...

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22 Dec

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

I've gone ahead and raised this up too @SirHarryPierce, thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Apologies for the delay @SirHarryPierce, thanks for raising this though, I've passed it on to the team.


21 Dec

    Ubi-MrM on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@ragnosjk @lopsaje Hi !

I've read your reports, and I'm sorry to hear that launch Issues and AI Issues are impacting your experience !

In order to isolate the p...

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