Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

15 Dec

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundreAd1800!

I appreciate you pointing that out for us. I'm not able to access that on my personal save file just yet. Could you grab me an image where it's showing the demand for the costumes? (I imagine it might be of help to add it to the report.) Thank you in advance!

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there,

We do have a dedicated FAQ for that error code here.

Can you @lilith_83 and your friend ...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @oKlauso,

I'm sorry to hear you're having some trouble with purchasing this DLC.

To see if we can get this resolved for you, make sure all of your information is filled out in your profile. Additionally sometimes when a purchase is attempted multiple times in quick succession, it can trigger a temporary lock on them, which may be what happened here. So if you haven't purchased it yet and you've kept trying, the best bet is to wait a bit before trying again. If that doesn't help, a member of our support team will be able to assist you further with this. I prom...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm glad that you have it now @lgriffio,

Sometimes there can be a slight delay so that's honestly most likely what it was. Feel free to let one of us know if you need anything else!

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @adiantoprahardi, @LootSoldat, and @noAim-zEro,

Just to rule something out and to make sure everything is in order, please go ahead and verify your files...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Synchronos357 and @marcus0263,

It is accurate that some events are what trigger certain articles.

It's also accurate that our Editor friend does...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there guys,

Thanks for reaching out to us and sharing your feedback comments on the recent new island additions.

I'm sorry to hear how they've negatively impacted your current trade routes.

I've collated your comments and forwarded them onto the team for their consideration going forward.

Please feel free to continue sharing any feedback you have on this or other changes!

And if there's anything we can answer at all, please let us know.

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks again for the report @SirHarryPierce !

I've gone ahead and passed this to the team!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @CPY-6six6 ,

Thanks for reaching out.

Given the rarity of keyboards with physical F13 + keys, I'd imagine this is working as intended.

May we please know what keyboard you're using?

As a workaround too, you are able to use use an F key in conjunction with another to create a finding.

For example; in place of F14, I've been able to bind Shift + F4.

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for updating the thread @SirHarryPierce !

I'll go ahead and lock this!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @nkalcapone,

Thank you for reaching.

Anno 1800 is not currently supported on Apple / iMac machines.

We also do not support the game running through virtual Windows machines.

If you have access to a Windows machine which meets the game's requirements, we advise playing on there in future.

If there's anything more we can answer, please let us know!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there guys,

Thanks for reaching out.

Apologies for the delayed response!

Are you still unable to purchase the pack from Ubisoft Connect?

If so, do you also have issues when using the Ubisoft Store website?

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @lgriffio,

Thanks for reaching out, apologies for the delay!

I can see the DLC should be available to you - are you now able to access it?

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this report @SirHarryPierce, I've gone ahead and passed this to the team.

Appreciate it!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundreAd1800 ,

Apologies for the delay.

Thanks for raising this to us!

I've gone ahead and reporting it to the team.

Should we have any updates, we'll share them here.

Much appreciated!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @gocoffeecup

Thank you for reaching out, I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

If you're still having issues using your mic in Discord when playing, please give the below suggestions a try;

- Check your Windows Sound Settings to ensure Discord has permissions.

You can do this by going to; Windows Settings > Privacy > App Permissions > Microphone > 'Allow Apps to Access your microphone' > Ensure Discord is ticked.

- Disable the Discord Overlay

Discord > Settings > Overlay > Untick 'Enable Game Overlay'...

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11 Dec

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @LootSoldat,

Thanks for reaching out!

As these are the Rocksmith+ forums and your post appears to be about Anno1800, I'll move your thread.

As for the DLC - do you own the base game on Steam too?

As the base game and DLC must be on the same platform to be compatible.

If you own the game via Ubisoft Connect; DLC must also be bought via Ubisoft Connect.

DLC bought via Steam will not work with your Ubisoft Connect copy of the game.

10 Dec

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, everyone!

I really appreciate everyone's reports of issues starting up Anno 1800 after the recent update. I'm really sorry to hear about these issues, and I can certainly understand that everyone is very eager to get back to playing. Our teams are aware of these launching issues, and you can find our announcement about this here, including steps that have helped many players get the game running...

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08 Dec

    UbiChrisMANG on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@D_Hoffman Hi D_Hoffman, how are you? This got posted to the Rocksmith Discussions. I have gone ahead and gotten this moved over to the correct spot for you.

06 Dec

    Ubi-Verse on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@hundreAd1800 Hi again 😊

Sorry for the confusion, my bad! I corrected my initial post to reflect what can be seen.

I'll forward the issue to the team 🙂
