Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by psnsimpsins

The update was also around 7.5GB for PS4, could this possibly be part of the issue?

Maybe. Top people are on it!

Hey all,

10:38am PST: Aware of reports here on matchmaking for PS4 and investigating. Right now we are seeing that matchmaking is working for some Ranked Leagues but not the regular Apex Queue. Will keep you folks updated here on progress.

10:49am PST: We are seeing matchmaking return to normal and successfully finding games locally. Let us know if you are still experiencing matchmaking issues here. Thanks for your patience!

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We're aware of this for PS4 and looking into it. Sorry for the issue, guys.


Great way to report a bug and flex at the same time! Thanks for letting us know.


Thanks for sharing getting it over to the right folks


Originally posted by JustAnotherGhosted

Do those gold weapons replace the previous ones or are they as well?

They replace the previous Gold Weapon


Happy Season 2 Day! The update is now starting to roll out on all platforms. It's a big one so go ahead and get it started and while you're waiting, below is breakdown of what comes with the Season 2 Battle Pass. If you're all caught up you can skip down to the Patch Notes section to read through all the changes including balancing for Legends and Weapons, new hopups, lots of bug fixes and quality of life improvements and...a stats page!

Let's get to it:


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This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.

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EA User Agreement

Season 2 is now live with tons of new content and quality of life fixes. Community Manager Jay Frechette (Jayfresh_Respawn) took to the Apex Legends subreddit to discuss these changes with the community. Check out all the details in his own words below, or head over to ...

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This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.

Terms and Conditions

EA User Agreement

Disaster has struck Kings Canyon, home of the Apex Games: a Repulsor Tower built to drive away the area’s native wildlife collapsed, clearing the way for a stampede of creatures into the arena. Images of the disaster have been splashed across holoscreens from Solace to Psamathe, and ...

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Originally posted by HyperThanHype

Keen as a bean /u/Jayfresh_Respawn.

Also I know this might be menial but is there any chance you could add a timer like "when this post is approximately X hours old, the update will be live" in addition to the predicted update times in the future? For people that aren't in the US it would be beneficial to be able to know instantly how much longer a wait there will be. I know it's simple enough to Google, but I've always thought that would be an instantly helpful kind of timer compared to one certain country's general time. I understand this is a pretty tiny and unimportant request but one that would smooth the figuring out process.



Originally posted by Jayfresh_Respawn

Aiming for around 10am for patch notes. Hang tight friends we're almost there.

Something good to watch in the meantime that came out this morning. My man Drew talks with other devs about game development challenges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ8ibJ1jdCc


Originally posted by ScreamForUs

Thanks! We can read them while downloading the patch?



Aiming for around 10am for patch notes. Hang tight friends we're almost there.

01 Jul


Originally posted by UNInvalidateArgument

Hopefully they're really careful about false positives then, that's a big one to get hit with, even a day is like damn.

We'll be keeping an eye out for false positives, and have tools in place to react quickly if the system is too aggressive.

Hey friends,

Season 2 starts tomorrow! We're planning for the update to go live around 10:00am PST [we'll let you know if that changes]. We'll post update with patch notes once we've confirmed it's live. If you missed the trailers and info we've been dropping over the last few days here's a quick recap:

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Originally posted by qwertty769

Are you at all concerned about the Apex Predators become less competitive toward the end of the season? Basically, do you have a way of ranking the best Apex Predators so they have a reason to keep being on top of their game once they reach the top of the divisions “ladder”?

I mentioned this in another comment, but:

Yes, we are very aware that there is a danger for players to have "nothing to strive for" once they reach Apex Predator. We have some plans to address that, hopefully by the start of the next Ranked Series. As of right now, the Apex Predator badge will show your current RP score, so you can have a visual reminder of your continued progress.