Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Dev Tracker

27 Feb


Hey @nasirjwilson

You posted this as a comment on a thread in Rider's Republic so I have moved it to it's own thread. Can you just clarify if this is for Rainbow 6 Extraction or Rainbow 6 Siege please?

Please note that not all games support auto-popping all trophies on their PS5 version that were earned on PS4.


Hey @epicminer71

Thanks for sharing your experience of this. It sounds like it's probably related to the same issue but I've added your description of what happened to our report to the dev team.


Hey @EpicMiner71

I'm sorry to hear that this is happening. I can imagine it is a bit annoying an un-immersive with the brightness changing at random but it's not an issue I've seen happening for others either. @lyon-cz could you let us know if you have the same monitor mentioned above?

Could you both also let us know what GPU you have? ...

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Hey @maiev258

As you have already seen and provided the information yourself, you are unable to change your server manually. We are unable to do this for you either, but we have passed on the feedback that players would like to be able to do this, so it could become possible with future updates to the game.


Hey @shtanky_matt

Please can you send us the images through one of our other support channels below if you are unable to post images on the forums. Your friend will also need to reach out too so, please ask them to do the same thing.

Live Chat (when available)


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26 Feb


Thanks for getting back to us @thiamaath !

Sorry to hear you're still receiving an error.

As you've noted using a laptop, something else I'd like to suggest is these steps to ensure your dedicated Nvidia GPU is being used.

It's common ...

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25 Feb


Hey @oppcpython ,

Thanks for getting back to us, the full server list locations for Extraction aren't available to us at the moment, but if you could please open a case on our Support Site, we'll be able to investigate in more detail and confirm where you should be able to connect to.

Much appreciated!


Hey there guys,

Thank you for reaching out and reporting this to us!

If possible, could you please capture and share a link to a clip demonstrating this so we can take a closer look?

We can then determine if this is working as it should be, or if not, pass it onto the game team to be looked into.

Thank you!


@bunnybowin_jrcb Thank you so much! We appreciate you reporting this to us.


Hello, @ensamimorkret! Thank you for sharing that you have noticed this occurred with Windows 11 and is also occurring in the Division 2. Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall Extraction to test if that helps fully resolve the missing audio in the cut scenes?


Hey @ntto154 ,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

I'm not to sure what you're referring to as there are no Weekly Challenges in-game, rather the 'Time Limited Challenges' in Ubisoft Connect are in place of this.

These update regularly while the Core Challenges don't change.

If you have any further questions, please let us know!


Thanks for getting back to us and confirming this @adee_91 !

Appreciate it!

If you could please capture and share any clips showing this behaviour both with R1 and when it's rebound, we can get this passed onto the team for investigation.

Thank you!


Hello @aswent7 ,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

May we please know more about the issue - is the scanner completely unresponsive when you attempt to activate it?

Or can you use it but black outlines are left after use?

If you can also share a clip of this behaviour, we'd appreciate it.

Thank you!


Thanks, we appreciate it @xjscroggzx !

We'll be here whenever you're ready.


Hey there guys,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

If a restart of the game and Ubisoft Connect doesn't trigger the Challenge to unlock, could you please provide;

  • A screenshot of your post-match screen showing all 3 objectives completed
  • A screenshot of the challenge locked in Ubisoft Connect

We can then take a closer look.

Thank you!

24 Feb


Hey @giantbogo ,

Thanks for the update, just as I opened the thread!

I'm very glad to see it appears to be working at the moment.

Please keep us posted if anything similar crops up again and we'll take another look!


Hey there @bunnybowin_jrcb ,

Thanks for reaching out to us and reporting this!

Do you find this happens consistently when playing the map?

And have you ever encountered it in multiplayer mode too?

Thank you!


Thanks for keeping us in the loop @bunnybowin_jrcb , we appreciate it!

I've passed this onto the team.


Hey @adee_91 ,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

If you rebind the Fire action to another button, does it still fail to shoot?

And for testing purposes, could you please test binding another action to R1 to see if it still doesn't respond as well as test with another controller if possible?

Thank you!


Hey there @pvt-puddings ,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

May we please know your approximate ping when connected to the SEA server on the main menu?

And if you haven't done so already, could you please give the steps in our connectivity guide a try and let us know if there's any changes?

Thank you!