The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

03 Apr

The talk of a PvE DZ is by no means new, and currently by way of the Requesting Backup feature, the moments of another Agent swooping in for a clutch save can - and do - still occur. While simultaneously allowing for people to opt in or out as they choose. With an additional World Tier and new content just few days away - the harder content you're looking for is just around the corner.

What do you feel the base game outside of the Dark Zones is lacking that only a public PvE instance provides? What parts of the DZ make it feel separated from what you're looking for? How might repurposing the DZs impact those who do commonly use them as they exist currently?
Just a reminder everyone that while the discussions here can get heated, the forums is a place for conversation and sharing ideas; not mockery, insults, or flaming. Let's keep this thread on the up and up, please, it's a very interesting read.
How difficult do you feel the most challenging content in the game should be? What might the benchmark be for what is currently the hardest difficulty? Do you feel it is fair if a game strong arms you into adapting aspects of your playstyle to fit the design of the game?
Interesting conversation here, everyone. Are there skills themselves that you feel could make a bigger impact than they do? How did you end up using the skill layout that you use now?

This should be fixed with the patch Friday.

*edit: Tidal Basin is coming Friday, not tomorrow. Sorry, my brain was only working off of one coffee.

Originally Posted by BADA_187
So with other words, you guys only know Extreme Buff or Extreme Nerf? never heard of balancing? there is something off here and you know it.. unless.. you have not played the game..
Sorry for the confusion, perhaps a slight change in the phrasing will help clear things up.

How might the difficulty of the game be improved for players by means other than solely tweaking some numbers as was done throughout the beta stages?
I'm probing for thoughts and feelings from players besides just a "nerf" or "buff." Difficulty has a capacity to be far more dynamic than just numbers.
Originally Posted by Sangersss
Gottta say, I like being able to direct the target of my turret. I use it to rush NPCs, I charge at them to shoot them out of cover. As I approach, the RB button indicator appears, so I can mark them. When they pop out of cover, my turret does additional damage. It's like having an extra team mate.
Couldn't agree more!

Originally Posted by Dwayne-Camacho
I'm not sure anybody would be crazy enough to suggest nerfing skill. There seems to be a maj...
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Originally Posted by PezZilla
I think they can maybe add inline skates or even them heelys shoes with a 8 second activate time and 5 min cool down.
Just my 2 cents.
While I don't necessarily disagree about the feasibility of that... how might it impact the overall tone and feel of the game and environment?
Hey guys, looks like this was supposed to be in the Division 2 forums. I'm moving it for better visibility.

- Scottie
Originally Posted by Zefa1979
Are you only looking for group feedback?
Because I have cleared all of the heroic bounties alone and I can say that it is extremely boring bullet sponges.
Nothing in that content feels challenging or heroic just boring, one simple turn in the lever should make that much more enjoyable, reduce the health and armor of the NPC's increase the damage output and mix them better, meaning, more medics that actually heal instead of charging me, shield users that protect the bosses instead of running around as nothing can hurt them, make good use of the elite class don't overuse them or we will be dependent on " damage to elites" too much.
The game is extremely focused on bullet sponge enemies, the red stats on gear beat anything else by 10 to 1,...
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Originally Posted by Natfrog
If you did this for PvP then you must do it for the hardest difficulty in PvE. If you start doing this and force PvE players back into the dark zones your game is going to bleed fans just as Div 1 did. PvE is where MOST of your player base is. Pvp was such a balancing mess in Div 1 you forgot about your PvE players and most jumped ship... ...This completely ruined PvE for the majority of fans as well. If you force players back into PvP who DO NOT WANT TO BE THERE then you will surely fail yet again to appease a select few players that want to do nothing but gank other players.
Would you think my previous statement more reasonable if it was, instead:
... Read more
Been loving the F2000 and Military Mk17, myself. Sometimes I'll change out the F2000 for a Marksman rifle but being in the Sharpshooter tree, the Mk17 is my bread and butter.
Have there been any weapons that you have picked up, fired once, and instantly knew you weren't a fan?
Wow. There are some really cool and well thought out ideas in here. Very nice.

I'm really curious to hear about some of the other aspects of these Specializations, though. A lot of you mentioned just weapons or the primary focus of it. (Others went into more detail which is awesome) What about things like the bonus attachment, passive bonuses, or additional mods not related to the weapon? Like the Healing Seeker or Recon Drone.

Most importantly, what role are your proposed Specializations fulfilling with their skill set?
Keep up the great discussion everyone!
How might some of your proposed changes impact the overall tone and feel of the Dark Zone? As the area in limbo between pure PvE and pure PvP, are your changes fair to the varied player base that ventures into the DZ? As a side note, what do you feel the DZ provides that the organic world does not?

02 Apr

Originally Posted by Ram3e
Leave things be, please. Catering to minorities is what ruined most popular(what used to be at least) games.
Everything is fine as is.
I did mention that there are a variety of opinions about this! We're definitely not blind to the people saying we should keep it as-is. I personally think that the exact type of content, whether you're solo, and level scaling (especially before the fix went live) have an impact what people think about this.
Might the same result the OP is looking for be accomplished by making no change to Normalized DZ gear drops and adding the '+10 Gear Score' to gear found within the Occupied DZ?
How do you all feel about marginally stronger gear being among some of the - arguably - most varied and difficult content the game has to offer; other players?
How should the DZ be incentivized for all players?

Edited for typo.