@liuliuliu250 @GLADI8ORDUDE Thank you both for your response, I'll forward this information on to the development team.
@liuliuliu250 @GLADI8ORDUDE Thank you both for your response, I'll forward this information on to the development team.
Hello there,
Following the release of TU 1.2.2, the issue with the Fly Agaric in Sciropescire has been marked as resolved by the development team.
If you are still encountering trouble with this world event, please don't hesitate to update this thread so we can take a closer look. Please include a video which shows the following:
@a2020a123 I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to collect the Arc of Elan bow. I can confirm this was previously reported and the development team are investigating.
Please ensure you have the latest update (1.2.2) installed and also try verifying your game files then try again.
If the issue ...
Hello @luigispcrew,
Thank you for the update! I just checked the status of this issue and I can see that the development team is still investigating it. Once we have a resolution, we will let everyone know through these forums and the patch notes.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.
@blininger I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to confirm the kill for 'The Seed'.
Can you please ensure that you have the latest update (1.2.2) installed then try again. If you already have the latest update installed can you try loading a previous save before you killed 'The Seed' if possible then try again. If this is not possible due to losing too much progression then can you go to the location where body is and create a manual save, after you have done that exit the game then load the manual you save you have just created and see if the body becomes accessible. ...
@garbo3 Could you please go through the PS4 troubleshooting steps then try again. If the issue persists can you provide a video that shows how long it is taking for you to load into the game if possible, thanks.
Hello Vikings,
Sorry to hear that you are unable to pick up the bow.
I can see that this issue has been already reported to the development team and it's currently being investigated. Can I kindly ask you to provide us with your save files? It will help our teams to investigate it quicker for you.
Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.
@DarkkSituAzn Thanks for the video provided, I have reported this to the development team to investigate.
Can you try loading a previous save before you started the quest if possible then try completing the quest again to see if it works. Can you also confirm if you have the latest update (1.2.2) installed?
@GLADI8ORDUDE Can you also confirm which hair style Eivor has equipped.
@liuliuliu250 Can you confirm if you are using a male or female Eivor? And can you also...
Hi all,
We haven't received any other reports of issues with the loading times since the latest update, however I will still forward this onto the Assassin's Creed Valhalla team to investigate. Could you all please provide a video that shows how long it is taking for you to load into the game.
@azullFR Thanks for going through the troubleshooting provided. Reinstalling the game would be the last thing that we suggest. I understand that your bandwidth may be slow or capped, however it is something we suggest trying. I am unable to promise that this will improve th...
@vampyrvenom Thanks for letting me know that this has affected more than just the Life/Health runes. Just to make sure, are the gear ability runes not appearing over the health bar in the HUD when in effect? Or are the runes completely missing from your gear and from your inventory?
Also, for others who are also missing runes, can you similarly let me know if your runes have completely disappeared from your gear and inventory? For example, are just the icons missing like the ...
@UbingMitta I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this, it is not a known issue. Could you please provide a video. Do you have the latest update (1.2.2) installed?
Can you also try loading a previous save before you started the quest and try completing the quest again to see if it works.
Hello there,
I've merged together a couple of threads about being unable to complete the "Trial of the Morrigan" in Connacht. Creating a single thread allows us to keep all information and updates from an investigation in one place. I apologise if any ongoing discussions have been disrupted by this merge.
The development team have been notified of this issue, and they are currently investigating further. To help with the investigation, can you please provide us with the following information:
We can then pass these reports along to the development team for further investigation.
Thanks! ...
Thanks for sharing your experience with us, @cexlo! This investigation has been reopened and the development team are looking into this issue further. I've shared your report with them as part of the ongoing investigation. I apologise for any inconvenience that has been caused by this.
Thank you
@azullfr I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing longer loading times since the latest update.
Can you please go through the PS4 troubleshooting steps if you haven't already done so then try again. If the load times still seem longer I would recommend trying to uninsta...
@gladi8ordude Thanks for reporting this. Can you confirm what hood and other armour you are wearing or is it the full Celtic armour set you have equipped?