Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

10 Dec

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by chetkowa
At level 52, last night the game all sudden froze. It has happened before, so I did not worry too much about it. However, when I restarted the game, I all sudden ended up in the campaign, in the map where you are to dynamite some poor fish, but the bay was filled with fog.
I decided to try to load the last auto-save, and then ended up on the correct map, but still got advice to settle an island from Aarhant. While the New world is already settled with several island because my population drinks an insane amount of coffee.

Hey there!

Sorry to hear you've had issues!

To better understand this - have you since be... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

For those of you still experiencing this, please give the further steps in our guide a try!

If you're still having issues, please open a case on our Support Site and send over your system files.

... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Nicholas_Steel
The locations are consistent and their position is relative to the Construction/Ship menu. They ignore 100% of mouse clicks when trying to select, place and delete structures and get in the way when trying to direct the movement of ships and when trying to target something to attack.

I can probably create a rough Heat Map of the affected areas.
Hey there Nicholas_Steel,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you and see you're having issues!

Are you still experiencing this?

If so, can you please provide a clip demonstrating this?

A map of affected areas would also be very beneficial

... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there guys,

The team have been investigating this with hopes of it being resolved

Are you still encountering this?
    UbiKobold on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello! I am sorry that you all have encountered this issue of not being able to complete the Codex Pages! Are all of you playing on Xbox One? Also, would any of you be able to provide a video from your gameplay that shows you are unable to pick up the page? If so, just post it to YouTube as unlisted and then send me the link.

In addition, just in case, please check out our Xbox guide here.

09 Dec

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by sniperNZSAS
You know that bug BB, that one that has existed since beta, the one you seem to refuse to fix, the one that myself and countless others have reported and reminded you of since May last year? You know the one.

And after 2 full seasons of content, and a 3rd season underway, BB still do not seem to want to get off their *** and fix this big.

Why not?!

I have poured 1100 hours into my savegame with the hope that one day the Pirates will come back, that BB would fix the bug that cause my game 800 hours ago stopping the pirates from ever returning. 2 full seasons I have missed out on all the content that comes from having pirates in Anno 1800. Trade, unique ships, wars, alliance, all because BB does not seem to want to...
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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by sajjadsd5
My game is only in language Russian, but my region is uk
I need help
Hello sajjadsd5,

Welcome to the Forums.

It seems you have a Russian copy of the game.

In this copy, only Russian is an available language - further languages cannot be added.

Sorry for the inconvenience
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by wing_hu
As in the title, I found a minor bug on the statistics screen: there is no graph for Wood Veneers production, only for demand.

Hey there wing_hu,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Thank you for reporting this to us!

I have passed this onto the team for them to look into, feel free to share any further details!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Lipsot
So Im playing campaign and this happend to me for third time, I load last save and after loading i appear in first cutscene map and i cant do nothing, then I try load same older save and first function save is 3 hours back from last save. I already lost about 6 hours of gameplay thanks this way. Am I doing something wrong? Have anyone same issue?
Hey there Lipsot,

Welcome to the Forums, I'm sorry to see you're having issues!

Do you experience anything else in-game when this happens?

Such as freezes or crashes or warnings?

I'd also recommend... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by JeffinDias14
I'm playing on Geforce now assassin's creed unity, everything was fine, but now the game is leaving before geforce now time is up.
Hello JeffinDias14,

Please take care when posting to the Fourms to ensure you're posting to the threads / forums relevant to your query, as this is for Anno 1800, not Assassin's Creed Unity.

Please refer to Milky's suggestions above regarding this, thank you
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Derfilouuu
Hello, I want to play with my friend but when I launch the game and invite him in the game an error message pops saying that the error LR:06 occurred. Can somebody explain me what this error is and how to fix it please? I found nothing on internet and even in the ubisoft support.
Thank you.
Hello there,

Welcome to the Forums, above Milky has posted some steps for you to try as well as a means to contact us if the troubleshooting doesn't resolve it for you.

Please ensure you've attempted all of the steps in our guide; ... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by SolidMist420
will this still work for games like rocket leauge? casue im pretty sure its not ubisoft, but i am having the same problem, and im wondering if this could still fix it
Hey SolidMist420

Welcome to the Forums!

As Rocket League isn't a Ubisoft title we can't say for sure but I would still advise giving it a try!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by klefke1989
i m getting this error on a hp pavillion, i tried solutions that are available on the internet but nothing seems to work.

Can anyone assist me
Hey there klefke1989,

Sorry for the delay and to hear you're having issues!

May we know the specs of your system as this can be caused when attempting to run a program your system struggles to handle.

Thank you!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by NewZGamer
I haven't played anno 1800 in so long and I want to get back into it.

Yesterday I got the new content on special on steam and downloaded everything.

Today I load it up and it comes to a screen that says "this will bind the following products to your ubisoft account" and it lists the expansions. there is a "close" and a "continue" button but nether of them work, the only thing i can do is close the window down, please help.
Hello NewZGamer,

Sorry to hear you're having issues!

Please try using the Tab key to highlight Continue then hitting Enter

Let us know how you get on! ...
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by S-Crim2142

AMD 3700X, ASUS TUF OC 3080, 32gb ram 3600mhz. Win 10 pro. Dual 2k monitors but gaming at 144hz on single monitor. Bit defender.

I've been playing Watch Dogs 1 on and off for months. I also played Anno 1800 on and off since it's release.

I had Uplay which changed to Connect, had some minor issue like resizing not working, nothing big.

I started playing Watch Dogs 2 a few days ago was running 60fps+ until yesterday eve (29/11/2020). I noticed my FPS fluctuating between 14 and 40fps and everything was somewhat stuttery. I messed about with the settings, even turned the preset to low, tried variations of vsync, FOV, but I still wasn't getting much above 40fps.

I tried to play WD Legion and th...
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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

This is indeed under investigation

Please keep an eye on our forums and the Anno Union ( ) for all future updates and patchnotes.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by NoxNox482
I bought the two Season Passes with a PaySafeCard (50€). I enter the code and the price was removed from the 50 €. After that an error occured that i didnt enter my "bank account" althought i chose the other option. I didnt get any DLCs but the money is still removed from the card.

Anyone got the same?
Hello NoxNox482,

Welcome to the Forums!

As chris02918 has already noted - we ask players allow up to 24hrs from the point of purchase for any digital content to be delivered.

If you still haven't received your DLC, please contact us through our ... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by dapmitidp
every week or so ubisoft connect informs me that I can't play anno 1800 until i've downloaded a 5 gig update. Then i come here to see that there is, apparently no update. i do play this throught the epic store, is that why i need to download updates with no idea what they are?
i'm running out of space on my laptop, and as much as i enjoy anno 1800, it's not worth me buying a new laptop....
any insight would be appreciated
thank you
Hey there dapmitidp,

Welcome to the Forums and sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Most updates are firmware and bug fixes

The last major update was 9.2 on D... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by xMORISx12345
Hello I am unable to pick up the opal that is on the shelf. This is in the bottom right side of the Grantebridgescire. The location is north east of Walden. Sorry not sure how I can upload the image here from my desktop.
Hey there xMORISx12345,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Are you still encountering this?

If so, if you can upload your screenshot to a hosting site such as imgur, you can post the link here

Thank you!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by AceWithBrace

since today I cannot play online anymore. The connectivity symbol goes from green to grey, but I can still load online games however I get 'Online LastError' error message. Has anybody come across this or know how to solve this?
Hey there AceWithBrace,

Welcome to the Forums

Sorry to see you've had issues!

Are you still encountering this?

And if so, can you please give the ... Read more