Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

27 Nov

    Ubi-Wan on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all! Sorry to hear this has happened. If at all possible, could those affected gather clips of the issues occurring? It seems the mystery is acting in different ways for some of us, so I'd like to get as much information as possible!

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Nice one Harry

Just a quick update, the team thanked you for the report on the Fuel Stations and confirmed that when you place Fuel Station in Enbesa, it will destroys canals that are in front of it`s exits.

If you place canals after the Fuel Station was built, the canals will remain complete. I will do my best to let you know if and when we have a fix for this, thanks again for reporting this to us!
    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by WonderToilet
Hello again,
apperently i have to update my directx version everytime i restart my pc in order for the game to launch.
Are you running the installer with Administrator rights?
    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, MathiasNikki!

Sorry to hear that you are being asked for an activation key. I have checked and can see the Season Pass on your account.

Can you provide an image of the error that you receive please?
    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by FetterBruder
OK, just so I get this right:
You guys take close to 15 months (!!!) to fix a bug affecting players with 60h+ invested in a save and THEN tell those affected players that their saves are screwed and that they have to start over again?
Did I get this right? Is this your idea of customer care?
We understand that this is not ideal however there is no way to modify the game saves to resolve this issue and thus a new save must be started.

25 Nov

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello currlyfriies, sorry to hear this about your save files.

Is there any way Geforce Now could be saving your game elsewhere?

Here is where you can usually find your saves - Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\BarnabySmudge1.A7S (Example)

Can you try turning off cloud save synchronizing in the Ubisoft Connect menu, then trying to manually save in the game and locate your new save in the location gave above? Please get back to me and let me know once you have tried this.

I would also advise reaching out to Geforce Now about this directly here as well, as the cloud save synch issue seems to occasionally come up - ... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone who has come back to this thread after the latest update 9.1.

I apologise if you are still receiving this desync issue and unable to multiplayer with friends.

Whether you are the host of the game or joining, please make sure to try each on of our connectivity steps for Anno 1800 -

If these steps do not help you, please make a support ticket on our website where we can further troubleshoot this problem for you - ... Read more
    UbiT00n on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for raising all, I will bring this up with our teams.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Woodsong1969,

Thanks for posting. I can not see this in our known issues list at the moment. When your ship dumps its expedition rewards, does your ship inventory happen to be at maximum capacity and can not store anymore cargo?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello grungephreak, thanks for posting your video of this.

The prerequisite for the quest says 'Select Ketema to talk to him. Play the Enbesan hymn using the goats'

A player in a previous thread that I have since merged said that this was the correct sequence -
DO MI SOL SI LA (C E G B A in some countries)

Another posted a video of a walkthrough online too.

Originally Posted by riddlesmix
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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello grungephreak, thanks for posting your video of this.

The prerequisite for the quest says 'Select Ketema to talk to him. Play the Enbesan hymn using the goats'

A player in a previous thread that I have since merged said that this was the correct sequence -
DO MI SOL SI LA ( C E G B A in some countries)
    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks,

This issue has been flagged and the team are looking into it further.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Ahwww schucks
Apologies P0PPYTAT, it has to be done! I know a lot of players like to use mods in the games but we have to be sure if its the base game affected or a behaviour caused by mods to be sure.To quote the Anno teams sticky post -

If you install mods then you are changing the official game files, keep in mind that we won’t be able to provide any official technical support for your game. Changing the files of your game can create bugs, cause instability of the game client or even damage your save file. This means that if anything goes wrong after applying a mod (like black screens or game crashes) the Ubisoft support team will not be able to help you until you reset all the changes....
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    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello P0PPYTAT, thanks for getting in touch with us about this railroad bug.

Usually with any issues in the game we will ask the player if they are running mods first, then ask the play to uninstall them before updating the game.

Can you please uninstall the mods you are using temporarily, start a new campaign, then see if this issue with the railroads exists when not running the game with mods to be sure if this is a bug with the game? Thank you, please let us know when you can.

24 Nov

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello bartirix, thank you for getting in touch about this and thanks for letting us know about this issue.

As this has not been patched for you in the latest update, can you try making a new save file and campaign and letting us know if this behaviour repeats itself with that save after the update?

Would you be able to also check these statistics with all farms and production sites to confirm which is affected or if all are affected? I would like to be able to report this onto the QA team to try and reproduce on their side.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello George-Mars, thanks for posting and welcome to the forums.

Was your ship inventory full when you accepted new tasks which may have resulted in you losing the item? Are you able to travel back and forth from the new world to the old world after playing DLC to see if it shows up in one of your harbours?

Worst case scenario, do you have an autosave you can reload to check the moment you last had the Sceptre and then back track on your current save?

You can usually find all of your manual saves and auto saves here - Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\BarnabySmudge1.A7S
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello again SirHarryPierce, Anno 1800s biggest Spooks fan?

Thank you for the video, it was very helpful and thank you for your helpful commentary, if you find any more bugs please be sure to submit a video as you have been as it is often easier to see the issue from a video then screenshot. I will pass this onto the Anno QA team and see if it has been reported yet, thanks again, have a nice day too friend.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Good evening SirHarryPierce, thank you for reporting this to us and thanks for the screenshot.

Are you able to repeat this on various parts on the map on different islands too each time?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Takingsides, sorry to hear this and thanks for posting about it in the forums.

As you have enabled the new DLC on your current save, could you try verifying your game files first as this can often fix a multitude of problems and synch problems with the game -

Next if this doesnt not fix this issue in game and unlock the tiers, are you able to load up a previous manual or autosave that was saved before you enabled the new DLC as a test, then enable the DLC when prompted and see if the issue repeats itself?

Here is where you can usually find your saves - Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\Barnaby... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone,

I reached out to the Anno 1800 team and they confirmed that this is indeed intended. Sorry to disappoint about this function, I have passed this feedback on as a desirable function for the players.

To quote the team -
This function is intended, houses can be placed with a larger density as well as being the most used building. The upgrade shortcut also works for warehouses. Those are the only buildings can be upgraded at the moment.