Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

24 Nov

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Dionne87, apologies for any confusion, I wasn't aware of the control and Q function as we did not have this listed in our shortcut keys document, so I have since amended it, I have to admit I rarely use shortcut keys in the game personally too.

Can you repeat this behavior in any campaign mode or sandbox mode you play or is it only that save file that seems to be affected? I would like to know how often this can be reproduced? I will also test this myself now.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
No problem Viking1983!

If you are not able to get an answer in the German forums, feel free to come back and ask here, just make sure to translate into English for us thank you
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Tyler14777, thanks for reaching out to us.

Usually only the player has purchased the extra content such as DLC or vanity items like ornaments, should be the only to have access to them, in a multiplayer game.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for letting us know your progress with DX11 robains.

I know some of our players would prefer to run the game in the newer DX12 and this has been fed back to the Anno team for optimization. As it stands, Anno 1800 seems to run better for most players on DX11 without issue.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello yongtros, thanks for getting in contact with us about the sale.

I am sorry to see you are disappointed you just missed out on getting a bargain. Have you launched the game since purchasing the game a week ago?

You can request a refund for a digital order within 14 days of making a purchase as long as the game has not been launched.

Return requests for digital products can be submitted by selecting the 'Ask for a refund link' next to the relevant product on the Order History page of the Ubisoft Store.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello currlyfriies, welcome to the Anno 1800 forums.

Could you please specify the name of this first person quest you are having trouble with? Or what city you recieve it in and what do they ask you to do?

Do you know if you have cloud saving switched on in your Ubisoft Connect game launcher settings or asre you saving locally to disc?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Clickbeetle, thanks for getting back to us with that information.

Just to check since the Land of the Lions update and 9.1, are you still experiencing these bugged quest?

It was reported that this quest can now be successfully completed, I just wanted to be able to follow this particular quest issue up with you to be sure?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone, thanks for coming back to the forum.

If you are still experiencing this issue with certain audio tracks missing from the game after update 9.1, could you please let us know which ones you expect to hear at which moments that are missing?

The music track titles may be found here - C:\Anno 1800\BonusContent\Soundtrack

Please let us know the tracks affected for you. Thank you.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello TomaszMajewski, thanks for posting in the forums about this new quest line.

Can I confirm you have completed all of the following quests too and if they are marked as unended? -

Waha Desher: The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Yara's Wisdom
Waha Desher: The Sorcerer's Apprentice — What Lies Below
Waha Desher: The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Blood of Kashta
Waha Desher: The Sorcerer's Apprentice — Ancient Shedyet
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for letting me know Aerosphere24!

I've fed this back to the Anno team to see there is anything we can do to stop this happening to players in the future, or any communication we can put up to ask players to try updating Windows and DirectX manually after each update, thank you for letting us know you needed the 20H2 update. If anything changes or you start experiencing crashes again, please let me know back in this thread.

I will make a sticky post to so other players can find this troubleshooting more easily.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone,

I am creating this sticky post to help players who are unable to use DIrectX12 when playing the game.

For most of these players the game will run correctly if you use DIrectX11.

If you you are experiencing issues with DirectX12 crashes, or the game not launching at all, there are some things you can do to fix this -

Occasionally your Windows 10 OS will not update its DirectX versions automatically and you will have to force an update your self.

Step 1: Press the Windows Key and type DXDIAG, then click on the app's logo to run the program. On the first System Information tab, it should tell you near the bottom which version of Direct X you are currently using

Step 2: Go to Windows Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Check for Updates

Step 3: Locate this folder C:\Anno 1800\Support\DirectX\DXSETUP click on the app and run the DXDiag set up

Aft... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for confirming everyone.

Apologies we were unable to fix this bug that can halt progression with the library quest or sometimes stop the quest from being cleared from the quest log. This was supposed to be fixed in the update. The QA team has asked us to gather affected players save files so we can investigate please/

Again, you can find your save files here -
Documents\Anno 1800\Accounts\\\BarnabySmudge1.A7S (Example)

If you are able to upload your affected save file to our Ubisoft Support website, here -

Please let me know your case number so we can check your case for the file, then add it to the QA teams report, the more save files we can get from players the sooner we will be able to patch this issue, thank again for your help everyone.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone just a quick update about these rewards, I have sent some of my game files over to the team investigating this. Stay tuned for further updates on this, we may need to acquire some other players files too, if so I will make a quick post in this thread requesting this, thank you for your patience whilst we try to resolve this.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the extra screenshots SirHarryPierce, I am tracking this investigation and will update you all when I know more and the team gets back to me, thanks again for reporting on this everyone.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello FetterBruder, thanks for coming back to us in the forums.

I have looked into this bug that was affecting the Sunken Treasures DLC quests with Nadaskys Journal/Heir as we had several investigations open for this and we also had quite a few save files from players who were affected by this. This issue was fixed in the previous update to 9 via a hotfix which is why you will not find it on our known issues list for update 9 on the blog.

I apologise this has not been communicated clearly through the forum, regrettably we were unable to patch this out of a players previous affected save file, but upon starting a new campaign this bug will no longer appear with the quest currently.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone thanks for commenting on this situation and helping bring it to light.

As it stands the games minimum required ram needed to run the game is 8mb -

Obviously the game has had quite a few updates since then and as the time of writing this we are on update 9.1.

Other than wheat others have already suggested, I can only stress you disable any background programs by doing a clean boot, then testing the games performance. This is one of the easier troubleshooting steps to take first and can often resolve the problem for most player where the CPU, Ram and sometimes Vram stress is too much for the computer to handle.

If you ar... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Im sorry to hear that the troubleshooting did not work for you pewp3wonline.

Do you have any connectivity issues in other games or just this game when you try to play together? Do you both use the Ubisoft Connect game launcher to play?

Have you both also went as far as to set up your router for port forwarding by opening the ports on your router to -

UDP: 18000 for the Anno 1800 game

TCP: 80, 443, 13000, 13005, 13200, 14000, 14001, 14008 ports for the Ubisoft Connect launcher?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello pewp3wonline, thanks for posting about this in the forums.

Are you able to screenshot the message you get when you desynch from the game? Does it happen to you as the host or as your friend as the friend who joins the game?

What are you doing in the game when it de syncs? If the other player leaves the game completely, will the game continue or does it freeze?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello there Viking1983,

At the moment, you can only receive support in our Anno 1800 forums in English unless you go to -

If you are able to use a translator to type in English, we will be happy to help you.

Alternatively, if you'd like to receive support in your native language, you're welcome to create a support case on our website using the link below -
... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone thanks for getting in contact with us.

Can I ask if you have updated the game to version 9.1 and which version of DirectX are you using with the game?

If you are using WIndows 10 you are most probably using DX12 but you can check by going to -
C:\Users\username\Documents\Anno 1800\config open the config.ini file in a notepad and find the part that says DeviceType

The game should be able to run in both DIrectX11 and DirectX12 modes but some players have more success with DIrectX11.

First please try making sure your GPU has the latest driver as AMD and Nvidia usually release new ones every month and please make sure your DIrectX version and windows is up to date -
Windows Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Check for Updates