The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

27 Mar

    Ubi-Zubi on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys, will definitely look into this for you. Will share information as soon as I have it.

Tommy is not available for stand alone purchase. He was a retail exclusive for specific regions. *Sad Tommy*

/ Johan
    Ubi-Zubi on Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by dagrommit
Watching State of the Game #113, and this happened:


Anyhow, anyone know where can one buy one of those bears (minus the sniper rifle) in Canada?

Not sure where you can find these in Canada, but will ask!
I love these shots, thank you for continuing to share these everyone, keep them coming!

Originally posted by RoruyGames

thanks sorry for this being a repeat post there are more than just this one. This is just the main location i remembered and i don't use twitter


Hey all, this thread has been really informative due to the amount of details you've all mentioned about exactly which parts of the game feel unfair. It's pretty clear to me that your mileage is going to vary based on whether you're playing solo/co-op, and whether you're playing end-game content.

Please keep this up, and remember to avoid the flaming. Everyone's going to have different opinions on this topic.

26 Mar

Hey everyone. I can definitely understand your frustration and even apprehension at the current lack of a WT5. Believe me, the sets, theory crafting, and end game gameplay are among my favorite parts ot The Division and The Division 2 so far. As we've stated in our State of the Game vids, we want to ensure that the "health [of the game] comes first." (As Merphee referenced above).

I appreciate all of your patience around the wait for WT5, and I hope you are all able to enjoy the game until then. While I know it can be frustrating to hear, we will have more information soo... Read more
Originally Posted by Vastten
Mario Cart.

Think about it you got loot from boxes and you would shoot them at other drivers.
I've noted the concerns about the athletic prowess of the game's enemy NPCs. Thanks all for the discussion!

Originally posted by timmeh83

What I can't stand is going into my mods and instead of marking a bunch of items as junk with L2 (which also toggles the menu tab) you physically can't and just jump around the mod tabs.

That's going to be changed. Current workaround is putting mods in the stash!


We've talked about this and the UI team agrees that there are some things that can totally be improved.