

01 Apr

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @johnnystormy apologies for the late response.

If you are also experiencing this issue yourself then could you take a look at the PC troubleshooting article and run through all the steps listed then try again. The support article contains some of the most common fixes for crashes, freezing, FPS drops and more.

Please confirm if this resolves the issue. 

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @martian_squid apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that 240 opals were deducted from you.

I have checked your account and can only see the one transaction for 120 opals. Can you confirm if the extra 120 opals were actually deducted, did you check your inventory afterwards?

Do you also happen to have a screenshot or video of this happening?

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @waynedal apologies for the late response and thanks for the information provided.

Can you confirm if you have gone through the PS4 troubleshooting that Ubi-Borealis mentioned? If you haven't I would recommend going through those to see if it helps.

If the issue persists could you also confirm the following:

  • Do you play a disc or digital version of the game?
  • Is the game installed on the internal or an external hard drive?
  • How much storage space is left on your internal hard drive?
  • What model PS4 do you have? O...
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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @spirantcrayon22 apologies for the late response.

I can confirm that the Raven's Loot skill only works on targets you have killed with ranged attacks and does not apply if Synin kills an enemy.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @xbl_laberbacke apologies for the late response.

If you happen to experience this issue again could you please record a video.

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @spirantcrayon22 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that your Ubisoft Connect challenge is stuck at 93%. There has been a known issue with the Ubisoft Connect challenges recently across multiple Ubisoft games, from what I can see the Assassin's Creed Valhalla ones are working again.

Can you confirm if the Ubisoft Connect challenge has now updated?

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @daffytheduck693 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues starting a river raid.

Could you please provide a video demonstrating this issue. In the video could you show which update you have installed, this can be seen in the bottom right corner of the main menu screen. Then load your game and show your quest log, then go to the area where Vagn should be to start the river raid.

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

31 Mar

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @sparkled74 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with the Tomb of Venutius.

Could you please confirm what happened after you moved the big stone? Did you leave that room inside the Tomb and then go back or did you leave the Tomb altogether or save the game and then return at a later time?

Are you able to provide a video to demonstrate the issue?

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

Do you also have a previous save that you could load before you entered the Tomb then try again?

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @xbl_laberbacke apologies for the late response and thanks for reporting this issue.

I have forwarded this on to the development team to investigate.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @evilgiraffe12 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with duplicate tattoos.

Could you please provide a video or screenshots demonstrating this issue.

If you provide a video I would recommend uploading it to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @tazo300300 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues when trying to change your armour.

Can you please confirm in this is occurring whilst you are in Svartalfheim during the Dawn of Ragnarok expansion? If so we have a megathread for that issue ...

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @nsnikead apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are missing one of the tablets required to claim the Excalibur sword.

Could you please provide a video demonstrating this issue. I would need to see the following in the video:

  • Your order of the ancients map to show all Zealots have been killed
  • Your inventory to show there are no tablets
  • Visit the temple when you inserted the tablets showing each pillar and to show the one that is missing a tablet

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @nikosntounis apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you have been experiencing a crash.

Could you take a look at the PC troubleshooting article and run through all the steps listed then try again. The support article contains some of the most common fixes for crashes, freezing, FPS drops and more.

Please confirm if this resolves the issue. 

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @steeltooth_ apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are experiencing an issue with one of the mysteries in Dawn of Ragnarok.

After reviewing this mystery I can see that you speak to Mikke and he distracts the guard allowing you to steal the key, you then kill the guard get your gear back and unlock Mikke's cell and you carry him out over the lava using your ability.

Can you please provide a video demonstrating the issue.

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you c...

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@shoogotitdude thanks for confirming your son's account, I have forwarded this on to the development team to investigate.

30 Mar

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@xdeyth thanks for the video provided.

I can confirm your current Opal quantity is 230 so it appears to be working correctly and the Opals are being added to your inventory. The development team investigated this issue previously on other maps in the game and were unable to reproduce it.

They explained that it's possible due to network disruptions or downtime on Ubiservices that the Opals collected are not immediately given, however these will eventually be added to the account.

Can you confirm if you experience the issue on any other maps in the game or...

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @spirantcrayon22 I can confirm that the Divine Landing buff only works Svartalfheim and is working as intended.

This is mentioned in our support article here.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@spirantcrayon22 I have already forwarded your account information and saves on to the development team, thanks.

When reporting an issue we always request a video demonstrating the issue, this has always been a requirement and is mentioned in the ...

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @kashdamayor2022 I understand that you have encountered Fulke at Eatun Barn.

Could you please provide a video demonstrating this. In the video could you please go to Fulke and see if you are able to interact with her and also show your quest log to show your available quests.

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread.