

28 Mar

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @delapec apologies for the late response.

I'm also sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues saving your progress.

Can you confirm the following:

  • When this issue started to happen
  • Do you use the quick resume feature
  • Do you have the latest update installed
  • How many saves you currently have and if you use quick save, manual save or auto save
  • Is the game installed on the consoles internal hard drive or a storage expansion
  • With the error code do you also receive a notification 'An error has just o...
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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @marcin246813579 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are still experiencing FPS drops after reinstalling Windows 10.

Can you confirm if you are only experiencing this issue in Svartalfheim or do you also experience it on other maps? If it is only in Svartalfheim does the FPS drops occur in any specific region or all of them?

I understand that you have already updated Windows and your drivers. Could you also try any of the remaining troubleshooting steps that you may not have tried in our support article ...

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @tomius777 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you have been experiencing crashes in Assassin's Creed Valhalla since purchasing the Dawn of Ragnarok expansion.

The basic PC troubleshooting is always provided first as this does help to resolve issues for some players. Also not all PC players are aware of the troubleshooting or need assistance with it.

Once those steps have been completed we can then investigate the issue further if the issue still persists and suggest more troubleshooting to try.

However, I can c...

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @guest-humcqhwg apologies for the late response.

Unfortunately some issues are more complex than others, making them more difficult to reproduce and fix. Also attempting to apply a fix in some cases can cause further issues in the game, therefore the development team need to investigate thoroughly before a fix can be applied.

I can assure you that the development team are working hard to resolve the issue.

Could you confirm if you are experiencing this issue yourself? If so I will forward your details on to the development team.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @cfrolik apologies for the late response.

I'm sorry to hear that you are also experiencing this issue with the missing shelf in Kiltaraglen on the Isle of Skye.

I have checked and the issue is still being investigated. I have forwarded your account details and save file to the development team to help with their investigation.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @silenceyuki apologies for the late response.

I'm pleased to hear that you were able to continue with the quest, thanks for the information provided.

@RobarXI If you are still experiencing this issue could you please provide a video demonstrating it, I can then report this to the development team to investigate.

21 Mar

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @lelixandre I have merged your post with this thread, it appears this issue has been reported and is being investigated.


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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @guest-rhq10oax I'm pleased to hear that you have now been able to access the areas you were previously experiencing issues with.

If you experience any further issues, please let us know.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

The development team have confirmed that they will be deploying a fix for this issue in a future update.
We don't yet have an ETA for when this update will be released. Please keep checking the News & Announcements forum for updates as that is where the patch notes are posted.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

The development team have confirmed that they will be deploying a fix for this issue in a future update. 

We don't yet have an ETA for when this update will be released. Please keep checking the News & Announcements forum for updates as that is where the patch notes are posted.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

Just to update you that we have three different megathreads related to crashes/freezes in the Dawn of Ragnarok expansion.

The other megathreads are:

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

Just to update you that we have three different megathreads related to crashes/freezes in the Dawn of Ragnarok expansion.

The other megathreads are:

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

Just to update you that we have three different megathreads related to crashes/freezes in the Dawn of Ragnarok expansion.

The other megathreads are:

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @sleinad_kaj I have checked and the development team are still looking into this.

We will update this thread as soon as we have more information.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @sky0ti I'm sorry to hear that you are also experiencing the online service error.

Can you confirm if you save files are also affected or do you just receive the error message? Could you please provide a screenshot of the error message.

Did you also only start receiving the error after installing the latest update?

18 Mar

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @kamekai4 the development team have been unable to reproduce this and have asked if you could provide a video demonstrating the issue.

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

The issue with the redeem codes not working on the redeem website has now been resolved. Also all emails containing a redeem key for the selected platform have been sent out to players who redeemed their code on the redeem website.

There was a known issue where PS5 players received PS4 codes, this issue was reported and a new keys have been emailed last night (March 17th)

If you are still experiencing issues with the redeem keys on PS5 then please check the megathread here.

If you have purchased the Dawn of Ragnarok edition of the game or the expansion from a retailer and you have not received your code then please contact the retailer directly and ask them i...

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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

All of the new keys should have been emailed to PS5 players last night (17th March)

There is a known issue where the new key cannot be redeemed on the console, to redeem the new key please do this via the PlayStation mobile app or via the website.

If you experience any further issues, please let us know.

17 Mar

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @k_liz13 apologies for the late response.

Thanks for the video you provided.

Could you also provide another video that shows the following:

  • Your quest log screen, showing all available quests
  • Your completed quests screen scrolling from the top to the bottom
  • Your order of the ancients screen
  • The alliance map again showing the full map