Hey OceaN_Man_19! I'm terribly sorry to hear that this is happening. Before I provide some suggestions, can you please clarify what you mean by, "this only happens to DLC characters"? Thanks!
Originally Posted by BigAnalDaddyRead more
Hello there all, about a month ago i woke up with a splitting headache. A burning desire in the pit of my stomach. I turned my pc on and opened up spotify to listen to the warm melodies of neck deep and lil peep. Just as the sound of dry hands strumming a wooden bass solo I received possibly the worst news since my father died. YOU ARE BANNED FROM RAINBOW SIX SIEGE
The first thing I did was contact support as any young and innocent man would do. I open a ticket, I write "I dont know what is going on at the ubisoft center but why was i banned. I HAVE NEVER CHEATED. UNBAN ME PLEASEEEEEEE ALL OF YOUR DEVS THAT REVIEW FOOTAGE ARE BRONZE AND HAVE NEVER SEEN A GOOD PLAYER. I WANT TO SEE THE EVIDENCE OF MY SO CALLED "CHEATING"...