Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

10 Jun

    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Much appreciated, @azullFR ! I've shared this along with the previous information with the game team's investigation. 🙂

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey SirHarryPierce, thanks for reaching out and bringing this up.

It does not look like this has been mentioned before, so for reproduction purposes, can I ask you whether it's something that will occur in every single game or does it happen occasionally?

Also, do you possibly have a save file you could share with us?

Let us know!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Luke25totalwar, thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear about the issue you've been having.

I've had a closer look at your account and can see that you have an extensive case on the matter, to which one of our agents have responded to you yesterday with some steps to try, so have a look when you get a chance .
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey P0PPYTAT, thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention.

It does not look like this issue has been brought up before, therefore for reproduction purposes, if you do happen to have video footage somewhere handy, that would be very helpful, however if not - don't worry .

Additionally, may I also double-check the following:
1. Since when did the issue start to happen?
2. Does this happen each and every time or are there instances where it will play different tracks?

Let us know and we will get back to you at the earliest possible convenience.
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey SirHarryPierce, thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention.

I've had a closer look however it does not appear that this has been brought up before, therefore is there any chance you could provide us with your save file for reproduction purposes? You should be able to locate it in %userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts

Let us know!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Gorgeousbear
Hi there,

I have just purchased the game in order to play with friends, and encountered the same problem : Matchmaking impossible, can't find NAT...
Is there a way to go round this problem?

Thank you for your help.

Hey Gorgeousbear, welcome to forums and sorry to hear about the issue you ran into there.

We have a dedicated ... Read more

09 Jun

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Luke25totalwar
I seem to have sorted the start up crash. Just started a new thread. I now have a crashing when I click on expedition button issue.
Hey Luke25totalwar, thanks for the update there!

For the crash after clicking on expedition button, can I just double-check the following:

1. What error message you receive as this occurs?
2. Have you had a chance to go through ... Read more
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey TechnoZealot07, thanks for reaching out and sharing details of the issue you've encountered - we sincerely appreciate your effort there.

I've had a closer look and it does appear that this issue has been recently brought up by another player, however we did have difficulties with reproducing it, so in order to aid us further, is there any chance you could get back to us by advising the following:

1. What is the language set when starting the game?
2. Do you have any other language packs downloaded? (and which)
3. Have you possibly switched the interface languages while playing the game?
4. Does issue reproduce right after loading the game up, or it is reproduced after playing the game for some time?
5. Would it be possible for you to provide us with your save file? By default, it will be located in %userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts

Let us know and we will take it from there!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the update cuttyhunker and I'm glad to know that SirQuestinghood suggestion has helped .

Hope you enjoy your game-time and should you have any queries in the future, get in touch at any time!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey malcolm.prinn, thanks for reaching out and apologies about the delayed response from our team.

I am aware that this may be a longshot however do you possibly still have that save file where you encountered this issue and it remains as described in your initial post?

If you do, is there any chance you could provide us with it? It should be located in %userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts.

Let us know!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by robertinsale
For me it freezes for approx 30 seconds each time i try to start a new ship mission or it tries to do the screen for an update on one

this started last year just after land of lions and has carried on ever since

i also get smaller freezes if i try and move from one world to another

i have tried verifying the files and thay all were fine
Appreciate your swift response!

Just to check, have you had a chance to go through all of the steps mentioned?
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Misiek_1991, thanks for reaching out and apologies about the delayed response from our team.

I can now confirm that the information provided has been forwarded to our development team who will review it further .

Please note that we sincerely appreciate your effort in putting the report together and communicating it with us.

Should you notice any other discrepancies or if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at any time!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey ThePufosenie, thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear about the issue you ran into there.

I understand you've done some troubleshooting steps already yet to no avail, however we would like to continue to tackle this matter until it's resolved, therefore just to double-check, have you had a chance to go through all of the steps mentioned in the following article yet?

If you have, then we will need to have a closer look at your configuration and see if we can identify what may be causing this. With that in mind, can I ask you to do the following:

1. Visit our ... Read more
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Goy_Rato
The exact same thing happens to me as with the-real-skye. Everything was working fine prior to the tourist dlc update.
Hey Goy_Rato, welcome to forums and sorry about the issue you're having there.

Just to check - have you had a chance to try and complete steps proposed earlier by any chance?

Let us know!

Originally Posted by ThePufosenie
I did not encountered the freeze (totally blocked), but god the performance, after th...
Read more
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by phuzzeenuts
Holy moly,

I just saw this reply. It worked! Thanks a lot for the suggestion.
Hey phuzzeenuts, thanks for the update and I'm glad to hear this .

Enjoy your game-time and should you have any queries in the future, feel free to drop us a message at any time!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys, thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear about the issue you've been having.

Would it be possible for me to double-check the following:

1. Does the game freeze completely or are you experiencing micro freezes?
2. Since when did you start to experience the issue?
3. I have noted what you suggested robertinsale regarding what causes the game to freeze however for reproduction purposes (same goes for AngryBees69), have you identified whether there are any particular steps you follow to cause this or is it relatively random and hard to point out?

In the meantime, if you haven't already, give the following steps a go, starting of by verifying your game files ... Read more
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by arnestion
I remember that I reloaded the game and that helped to solve the error. This is a problem in the correct display in the code part.
Hey arnestion, thanks for letting us know and I do hope others will find this useful too.

For anyone else - if issue persists after game restart, let us know and we will need to look into the matter further.
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Arthonus, thanks for reaching out and welcome to forums!

Would you be able to kindly provide a little more information about this?
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey JohnQuizyAdams, welcome to forums and I'll take it that your issue is now resolved .

Hope you enjoy your game-time and should you have any queries in the future, feel free to get in touch at any time!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys, we can confirm that information provided has been forwarded to our team accordingly. Our apologies about the inconvenience it's causing and if it has been taking longer than anticipated.

FusionPhysx- appreciate you for putting time and putting this extensive post with a workaround and I do hope other players will find it useful too!