Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

08 May


Commenting to add the dev flair. This is direct from Patch Notes and is a good call out post since it was towards the bottom and folks may have missed it.


Originally posted by YahboiiWheezy

From my experience it doesn’t work if you go to any character. Also only works for one match then goes away even in reque where I couldn’t have physically gone into character customize screen

crap. sorry. :( I only tested one match as I was focused on getting the actual fix implemented ASAP.

Have seen a bunch of posts about this, and since this reasoning behind this doesn't reveal any great secrets and I think players generally appreciate some insight into the process and since it's entirely my fault and therefore I won't seem to throwing anyone else under the bus...

Anyway, it's a bug related to the new Artifacts. Basically, unlike every other skin in the game, Artifacts aren't a single skin; they are three - blade, power source, and theme. Making that system work in parallel alongside regular heirlooms - which are a single skin - was a unique challenge. And in testing, there were quite a lot of bugs - most (probably all) of which came from the DEV environment being different. Trying to split the difference between testing the flow as players would experience and also not making every artist who wanted to make a change have to buy each component one-by-...

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Queue times can be a factor, but bringing it back in this way also allows for monitoring and data collection on this new variant and Solos as a whole. Can't make any guarantees, but wanted to let you know that we see the comments and appreciate all of the feedback, and it does get shared with the team at large.


Have you gotten drops since cross prog? Also, want to drop me your tag? No guarantees, but trying to look into this.

07 May


As a temporary workaround until we can push a fix, if you do NOT go back into character customization for that specific character *after* equipping your Heirloom, it will stay equipped.

- do whatever customization you want for a character
- equip your heirloom
- hit ESC (or back button on console) to return to the lobby character select menu
- hit ESC to return to the lobby and play your match as normal.

If you do go back into customization for that character, you will need to equip your heirloom again.

Now back to being waterboarded...


Originally posted by Pitiful_Lake2522

My heirlooms won’t stop unequipping


Originally posted by YerawizerdBarry

Updated fine on steam deck then open it loads to 100% and then crashes whilst trying to initialise. Have restarted steam already aswell, any ideas?


Originally posted by SuperProGamer7568

Why is my heirloom uniequiping every time i exit the heirloom menu?


Originally posted by Glennjamin72

All my heirlooms are unequipped and when I equip them it just unequips them by default so I can’t use my heirlooms


Originally posted by yeahbuoy3

i can’t equip my heirlooms :/


Originally posted by Skeletor-

Ranked season didn't reset
edit: PC

Reset should be live now.