Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Dev Tracker

22 Sep


Hello @Xixzik,

I'm sorry recovering your progress has been such a frustrating endeavor. I do see that you're currently in contact with our Support teams.

Someone should be in contact with you soon, but I can try to better explain what's happened in the meantime.

When a console account is unlinked from a Ubisoft account, progress and content like what you're missing stay tied to the Ubisoft account that was linked at the time. So, if you're using a different Ubisoft account, you wouldn't have access to your progress. It does look like they're working towards getting you properly sorted out but feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or need anything.


Hello @chrisn1488, sorry to hear you're having trouble getting your game to load.

First, be sure that your Launcher and game are both installed on the same drive (preferably C:), then try running through what you haven't already completed of our basic ...

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15 Sep


Hey @Kleb,

Thanks for reaching out, I'm sorry to hear you've been encountering players which have been hindering your experience.

We do have teams who review all player reports so please do continue to send them.

We cannot assist with any player reports via the public forums however if you're unable to report a player in-game and have evidence of the offence taking place, you're welcome to send us this via our ...

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14 Sep

    Ubi-MrM on Forums - Thread - Direct

@ZHANG-JIA-QI Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, as well as the additional screenshot provided.

Your report has been forwarded to the relevant Team, and we thank you for it !

If you'd like to share additional information, or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out !

    Ubi-MrM on Forums - Thread - Direct

@fretoroni Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that an Issue with invites prevents you from enjoying Rainbow Six: Extraction with your friends !

For the purpose of our investigation, in order to isolate the issue, can you tell us if the problem persists after you and your friends try the steps of our dedicated connectivity troubleshooting guide ?


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    Ubi-MrM on Forums - Thread - Direct

@earclimax3id Hi !

I've taken note of your screenshots and reports, and I can confirm that they have been forwarded to the relevant Team.

The investigation is ongoing, and we thank you for the information provided.

If you have questions, or for any other Issue, don't hesitate to reach out to us !

    Ubi-MrM on Forums - Thread - Direct

@RiGoR0420 Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your report, and I'm sorry to hear that an Issue prevents you from using the desired display setup in-game.

For the purpose of our investigation, I invite you to check the following :

👉 Backup your important files and update Windows


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09 Sep

    Ubi-Ciel on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @fungalburrito,

I understand you cannot link your Ubisoft account to your Xbox profile as it is already linked to another account. So can locate the account in question, I recommend contacting my colleagues over at the Ubisoft Support. Here are the links you can use to contact them privately on whichever platform you prefer:

- Ubisoft Support website: ...

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    Ubi-Ciel on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @krasorias,

Thank you for coming back to us with this information! If the issue persists after completing the steps previously provided by @Ubi-Dastan, ple...

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07 Sep

    Ubi-Ciel on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @awicb,

Thank you so much for sharing this issue you found in Rainbow Six: Extraction with us! As this issue had not been reported prior to your post, I have forwarded it to the dev team for investigation 😊

06 Sep

    Ubi-Ciel on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @MMackeyHolla and thank you for getting back to us with this information!

I can see that you mentioned this issue occurs each time. So we can forward this to the dev team for investigation, could you please send us a video displaying this bug? The video can be uploaded to any video-sharing website, such as YouTube or Dailymotion 😊

    Ubi-Ciel on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @earclimax3id and thanks for getting back to us with this information.

So we can forward this to our dev team, could you please send us screenshots showing the different stats that are displayed in R6E and on the Ubisoft Connect launcher?

03 Sep

    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Bennyrosso2022, I'm sorry to hear that you're having this issue with your Ubisoft account! For account issues, we'll need to proceed through private channels. Please log in and submit a new support ticket for this issue. An agent will review everything and then follow up with you directly. 🐙...

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    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there @Sikcess, sorry to hear that you're having this issue with remapping your keybind for gear. Just to confirm, from the main menu, if you reassign the gear key and press apply do you get any error messages? It should rebind as soon as you apply the change. If this is not the case, please do let me know! 🐙

    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

@earclimax3id I'm sorry to hear that your experience has been ruined because of incorrect stats temporarily being displayed. To clarify, when you check your playtime on Ubisoft Connect, what does it say you have?

01 Sep

    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @bertha1957, sorry for our late response! Just to check, are you still seeing this happening in-game? If you are, we would like to look into this further and get it reported. To proceed, please log in to our support website and submit a new ticket for this issue. If you have a short video clip of this happening, that would be super helpful as well! 🐙

    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there @Poutine-Vlad! Please note that you're currently within the English Player Support discussion board. If you would rather receive support in another language, you're welcome to create a support case on our website, and a member of your regional team will be able to assist you. Alternatively, you can also contact our ...

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30 Aug

    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there @ItsSpodermen! For this specific issue, we'll need to proceed through private channels. Please log in to our support site and submit a support ticket along with a screenshot of your referral page, showing that your invites were accepted. Once that has been done, one of our agents will review everything and then follow up with you directly as soon as they are able to. 🐙...

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    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Maciaaas7, sorry to hear that there has been a delay! It looks like one of our agents was able to follow up with you directly through your support ticket. Just to confirm, are you still receiving this authentication error? If so, please direct your response to the support ticket that you have open and let us know if you still need further assistance. 🐙

    Ubi-oof on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @SiestaYonJyuGo, thanks for bringing this up! As a test, please rebind the 4 key, apply that change, then swap it back and apply it again. After that has been done, can you check and see if this still occurs? Let me know either way, thank you! 🐙