

09 Dec

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Performance - A previous memory leak related to video playback in our menu UI middleware Gameface was still happening for some players and we have implemented a tentative, more thorough workaround while Coherent provides us with a proper fix. Thank you to raV and Rolly for testing the workaround.


  • Fixed an issue with liquids and billboards causing the Editpad screen to sometimes glitch.
  • Fixed the scrollbar not being available in the Editpad’s assets menu. The appearance of the scrollbar will be improved in the future.
  • Added the option “Hide in game” in the Editpad’s Properties menu, which makes the currently selected props invisible while playing (they remain visible when the editpad is held).
  • Fixed the layout of color fields in the Editpad.
  • Added the option “Team based accents” to the Editpad’s Map menu in order for the accent colors to be based on a player’s color choices fo...
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  • Fixed issue with players displaying incorrect cosmetic items for others when they join an ongoing game.
  • Some new avatars from the Twitch drops avatar campaign have been added for streamers and their viewers.


  • The Editpad’s Properties menu now displays the name of a selected entity and its primary property in the header.
  • Fixed missing “force shadow” checkbox in prop properties.
  • Fixed missing checkbox for the “unique” property when using symmetry.
  • Added “sound” to the clip options in the editpad’s properties menu when a prop is selected.
  • Props can now be searched by tags.
  • The asset search in editpad now supports wildcards (typing something like med*wood will display all assets that start with “med”, contain something in the middle, and then contain the word “wood” afterwards).


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  • Fixed an issue causing projectiles to go through props with the “movement float” property.
  • Fixed an issue causing items to become invisible and unavailable for a player if the picking is predicted by the client but the server eventually denies it due to timing. E.g: when picking pairs of health items simultaneously if one of the items makes the player reach the HP limit, and when dying as the item is grabbed.
  • (Fixed regression). A previous fix to weapon fire going through terrain was accidentally reverted and was reinstated earlier today. Thank you to fohristiwhirl for the report.
  • Fixed the previously undocumented mechanic that prevents assists being rewarded if the player under attack eventually heals for 50 HP or more. The removal of the assist mark was not being triggered by healing from a teammate with Siphonator, or from picking small or medium health items.


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  • Fixed the hit beeps for shotgun not correctly varying according to the damage inflicted. Masterserver and matches
  • Fixed an issue where the client would incorrectly proceed to join a warmup or custom match after a matchmaking match was found.
  • Fixed an issue where clients reconnecting to the masterserver within timeout limits would leave existing parties and lobbies.


  • Added a new type of clip option called “sound” which can be used on props causing them to completely occlude sound queries. This can be used where finer control over complete audio occlusion is desired such as preventing open ceilings in different rooms from carrying the sound if they are only wanted for aesthetic reasons. To use it you can select a prop and type the command /forsel set %1 clip audio
  • Added a special prop to the editpad called “sound_blocking_box_corner” that carries ...
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  • Fixed issue with the bouncing impulse of Grenade Launcher grenades being incorrectly calculated and resulting in unexpected bounces in vertical situations.
  • Fixed issue causing weapon fire to sometimes go through steep terrain.


  • Performance optimizations related to the audio system.

Masterserver and matches

  • Tweaked the inactivity detection so that players who don’t move but look around are not flagged as inactive.
  • Moved the warning message issued when a user is about to get kicked due to inactivity to the middle of the screen and added a countdown.


  • “Alchemy WIP”, has been added to the Custom Game’s Extinction map list, this is a modified version of Alchemy that is available for testing in this mode.


  • Updated...
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** Servers**

  • Added a new server location in London, United Kingdom.
  • Added a new server location in Miami (Florida), United States of America.


  • There is now an Item pickup statistics tab in Match pages which displays the number of Blue, Yellow, Red Armors, Megahealths, and Powerups that players picked up.
  • Item pickup statistics are now displayed in the game report stats tab for the currently selected player.
  • Fixed Grenade Launcher statistics being incorrectly calculated.
  • The Weapon position option (Default/Centered) has been moved to Settings-Weapons-Default-Visuals and can now be set on a per-weapon basis.
  • The Hit sound option (Enabled/Disabled) has been moved to Settings-Weapons-Default-Sounds and can now be set on a per-weapon basis.
  • Updated translations.


  • After selecting a property in the ...
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  • Introduced Knockout frags. When a player dies from environmental damage, the player who caused the most knockback to the dead player in the last 8 seconds before the death is awarded the Knockout frag.

Masterserver and matches

  • Improved the player inactivity detection system.
  • The player inactivity kick time in queue matches has been reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.
  • There is now a warning issued to inactive players 30 seconds before being disconnected.
  • There is now a message that warns players when another player in the match has been kicked due to inactivity.


  • The lag indicator now displays your current ping.
  • Stopped the lag indicator from appearing in the game report.
  • Fixed an instance where the message “Press attack to respawn” was shown for spectators.


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Visual changes

  • There is now a gradual transition when zooming in or out. The speed of both transitions can be customized in Settings-More Settings-Zoom, if you wish to return to the instant zoom set Zoom-in and Zoom-out time 0. During the Zoom-in and Zoom-out period the sensitivity scales according to your sensitivity settings and the FOV at the time.
  • When zooming, the weapon now scales according to your zoom FOV. If you prefer the weapon to not scale you can toggle this setting off in Settings-More Settings-Zoom-Scale weapon when zooming.


  • The Lag Indicator HUD element now displays some graphs indicating connection health. Discontinuities in the cyan graph indicate incoming packet lag (small peaks are normal), and the orange graph indicates overall packet loss (should stay flat). The indicator background becomes purple when severe lag is happening and indicates that some restrictions are ...
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Visual changes

  • It’s now possible to ping important items on their spawn locations and when they are dropped. This displays an item’s icon ping in the gameplay area and on the minimap, to inform teammates about it.
  • It’s now possible to ping the surfaces enveloped by a friendly Healing Weeball in order to display a green ping in the gameplay area and on the minimap that is shared with team-mates.


  • The threshold that determines whether a player is lagging severely enough to warrant removing backwards reconciliation privileges has been slightly increased.
  • The threshold that determines whether a connection is unhealthy enough to warrant stopping a player movement has been greatly increased. Improvements in this area will keep happening as the netcode is improved.


  • The Ready Up message keybind, Weapon Inventory keybinds and the Ac...
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  • Fixed an issue in the projectile netcode granting excessive advantage to high ping players.
  • Fixed an issue causing some players to intermittently disappear caused by a recent fix.
  • The lag between the visual position of the players and their logical positions has been further slightly reduced. This should result in increased synchronicity between the players’ positions and their projectiles, slightly lower knockback reaction time and fewer instances of shot-while-in-cover. Further decreases to this delay are still planned.
  • Players who are lagging will now automatically have their netcode degraded to lose the ability to backwards-reconciliate hitscan and projectile fire, resulting in fewer suddenly-advanced projectiles and fewer instances of shot-while-in-cover incidents due to lag on the attacker’s end.
  • Players who are suffering from severe lag will not be able to move. The thresholds that we have se...
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  • There is now a Time Trials timer HUD element which displays your current time during a run, and your last time after a run is completed. This timer is now present in your HUD if you use the default HUD, otherwise add the element “Race Timer”. The timer is also functional in the Spectating HUD.
  • Fixed the Match Timer momentarily shifting to 00:00 when crossing the Time Trials start trigger.
  • Removed micro-stutters related to the Frag Feed and Frag Notice elements. NOTE: We are aware of some severe freezes happening for some players, so be advised that this is not a fix for this other more severe issue. We believe this unsolved issue to be related to one of our 3rd-party dependencies and we are working with them to resolve it as soon as possible.


  • A spectator’s base waypoints now correspond to the waypoints of the player currently being spectated in MacGuffin, CTF and Wee-...
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  • It’s now possible to set the auto-switch weapon priority in Settings-More settings, where the weapons can be ordered from most wanted to least wanted. This order will be respected when selecting the weapon to switch to when running out of ammo if the auto-switch option is enabled, when spawning and selecting your starting weapon, when dropping a weapon if this option is enabled in custom games, or when picking up a weapon if the option to auto-equip based on priority is enabled (see next item).
  • There is now an option to automatically equip weapons. The option has three settings: disabled, equip always, or equip if the new weapon has a higher priority in the weapon priority list (see previous item). The “equip always” is the default of this option so you may want to disable it in Settings-More settings-Auto equip weapon on pickup.
  • When the Auto-switch option “When running out of ammo” and when the option “Equip empty wea...
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  • Slightly reduced the visual lag between the represented player position and the logical position.
  • Improved hitscan registration when attacking players who are lagging in some scenarios - more improvements in this area are planned.


  • Adjusted the volume curve of enemy movement sounds - thank you to e r n y.
  • Adjusted the volume curve of the PnCR’s humming sound.
  • The transition between overlapping ambient sounds is now smoother.


  • Teams and players are now sorted correctly in the in-game scoreboard.


  • The various videos in the game have been brought back as the performance issue related to them has been fixed.
  • Updated translations.


  • In Monolith, the Blaster and Shaft have been slightly repositio...
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  • Fixed issue that prevented the Next weapon and Previous weapon binds from switching your weapon if you were holding down fire.
  • When you have auto-switch off, you are no longer auto-switched after you throw the Healing Weeball.
  • The auto-switch option in Settings-More settings now includes a setting to only switch weapon when pressing fire after the weapon has run out of ammo.
  • There is now an option to be able to switch to an empty weapon in Settings-More settings.


  • The Weapon Inventory now has an option to hide the Melee weapon.


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  • In the locker there is a new menu called Presets where you can save 5 different Shell+Stickers+Shoes combinations so that you can create different Eggbot looks and easily switch between them.


  • Fixed issue causing players to glide along walls when receiving continuous knockback.
  • In Time Trials there is now a dedicated control to restart a run instead of using the Ready bind. The default keybind is F2 and can be rebound in Settings-Controls-Gameplay by setting the “Restart run” button - your Ready bind will no longer work to restart your run, the two functions are now separate.
  • In “Freeze Tag - Unfinished” it is no longer possible to throw Weeballs while frozen to avoid Weeball pickups being prevented from respawning while a player was frozen, and to avoid the knockback Weeball being used by frozen players in Instagib Freeze Tag.


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Also on Reddit:


  • Fixed an issue where hitting a slanted surface would push you down to the ground at disproportionate speeds.


  • Fixed spectating mode showing the wrong weapon being held, and the HUD showing the wrong player’s information when switching players to follow with the player number binds.
  • In the minimap the player pins of each team are now have their team colors.
  • In the minimap the currently spectated player’s pin now has a white dot to indicate whose point of view is being shown.


  • Fixed some micro-stutters related to audio playback - thank you to Aeson...
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  • New mode! “Freeze Tag - Unfinished” is now available in Custom Games, the objective of this mode is to win rounds by freezing all of the opponents. When an opponent is frozen they can be thawed/unfrozen if a teammate stands next to the frozen player, or if the frozen player falls into the void (if a non frozen players falls in the void they will respawn frozen). When a round ends, frozen players are respawned, and players that weren’t frozen keep their position, health, armor, and ammo. Players spawn with all weapons but with lower starting ammo than in other modes. Currently it’s possible to hammer frozen players great distances and it’s possible for frozen players to throw Weeballs and to Dodge, which can be a way for players to respawn themselves in maps with void, or get closer to teammates, or even thaw while both players are moving, and can be a way for teammates and opponents to reposition frozen players easily, these are things that ...
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  • Improved the performance of environmental particle effects.
  • Optimizations to bots’ AI.
  • CPU-side optimizations related to environment-vs-player interaction.


  • In Settings-More Settings there is now an option to auto-follow persons of interest, currently it follows the MacGuffin carrier, or a Flag carrier.


  • Bots no longer go inside props and blocks that had been set to player collision - bots will not be going inside the objects in the Practice Range anymore.


  • “Test”, the MacGuffin map available in Custom Games, has been updated with some modifications after being playtested: the MacGuffin-Red Armor area has been increased, it now takes longer to go from Red to the Wishing Well base, there are now stairs from the mid 50HP to the top Blaster to avoid having to dr...
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  • When a player being spectated dies, the camera will now by default switch to the player who fragged the other, instead of just to another player.
  • In Settings-More Settings it’s possible to select whether the spectator perspective switches to the fragger on death or if it stays with the current player.

Visual changes

  • Damage numbers are now displayed above the enemy overhead name so that they are more readable.
  • Fixed overhead names lingering too long after an opponent enters a smoke field (released this morning as a minor update).
  • Fixed the smoke from the Smoke Weeball sometimes incorrectly hiding enemy overhead names when opponents are nearby (released this morning as a minor update).
  • Fixed overhead names sometimes giving away player positions through some obstacles (released this morning as a minor update).


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  • It’s now possible select an already placed sticker and send it backward one layer, bring it forward one layer, bring it all the way to the front, or send it all the way to the back
  • The default sorting of stickers now respects the order of addition instead of them being arbitrarily sorted

Visual changes

  • In Settings-More Settings there’s now a checkbox to enable damage number grouping (their values are accumulated if the individual contributions happened in quick succession)


  • New map! “Test” is a new MacGuffin map available in Custom Games, any feedback about it is appreciated - in this map the PnCR first spawns at the 2 minute mark
  • The map “Test 2” has been removed from the Custom Game’s MacGuffin map list
  • Kasbah’s spawns have been adjusted with some unused spawns being removed, some added on the Red Armor ...
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