

21 Jan


Thank you for confirming this @X2GENERAL. Our team is currently looking into this issue. In the meantime, a short workaround is changing the language to English as you mentioned. While I do not have any updates on this at the moment, please keep watch here and on our social media channels for further news. Thanks for bearing with us as we investigate this further.


Hi @thelucky123! Thanks for reaching out to us here! Have you tried updating your graphics drivers to the latest version to see if this remedies the problem? I would also recommend trying out our other steps from our guide here. However, after trying all steps possible here and you still are met with the same results, please don't hesitate to ...

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Hey @obscura-_, thanks for sharing this with us, and apologies for the issues this caused you and your team during this objective. Were you able to capture a video clip of this behavior showing the Protean entirely inside the structure?


@the-sovereign Hey there! Thanks for reaching out to us here, and warmest greetings to the forums! I took a look at your account, and I that the XP has been recorded successfully. However, there might have been a slight delay with the client. If you still have issues seeing the updated XP, please try restarting Ubisoft Connect. Let us know if this helps! 🙂


Greetings to the forums @Camperkira. I would check on the Offical Nvidia page to ultimately ensure you can access the supported driver version. However, if you have already tried this, this will be the only solution we can provide if the ...

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Hiya @Xavino33 and @Helzart! Welcome to the forums! Sorry to hear that you ar...

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Hey, you two! I'm sorry for the issues you are having with multiplayer. To confirm, are you joining players on other platforms and playing with Cross-Play enabled? If so, could you test to see if you both encounter the same error during multiplayer with it disabled?


Hey @x2general, sorry to hear that you are running into this problem when launching Rainbow Six Extraction. We have seen similar reports of this behavior. Could you confirm the language the game is currently set to?


Hey @landreith, and welcome to the forums! Sorry for the trouble with linking your Xbox account to your Ubisoft account. If you could reach out to us from our Support Page with the Xbox account, you wish to link to your primary account, and we can look into this further with you! Please note you can also reach out to us on our social media support pages via private message.


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14 Jan


Hiya @str8-wildin, welcome to the forums! Our Support team can help look into this further with you to enable the 2FA feature on your account. I recommend reaching out to our live chat support or our social media support page on ...

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    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@gcolorblind Hi there, apologies for the troubles caused when trying to play Rainbow Six Siege. I understand this can be a frustrating situation, especially during ranked. This is something that the team is currently aware of and investigating further. We will be keeping everyone posted once we have further updates to share, so please stay tuned to our social media channels in the meantime. We truly appreciate your patience and understanding while the team looks into this.

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    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@unexactriot299 Hiya! Sorry to hear the overlay has been having some troubles for you while in Rainbow Six Siege. If this has been an ongoing issue, I recommend checking if Ubisoft Connect and Rainbow Six Siege are installed on the same hard drive, and your Ubisoft Connect client is set to run ...

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    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Greeting to the forums @zibbons-hog! Apologies for the difficulties this problem has been during ranked matches. I'm afraid these penalties are issued by an automated system in-game and cannot be overturned. However, please know that our team has collected similar reports of this behavior. Could you please share with us the server you are playing on when this happened, along with the platform you are also on? If console, could you let us know if you are playing on a next-gen console?

    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@averyll_ Hey there, and welcome to the forums! I am sorry this greeting could be on better terms and sorry for the problems you face during matches. This behavior is something our team is currently looking into. I see that you have reached out to our support team via support ticket, and I have ensured that the information shared has been added to their investigation. If you had a booster active during this situation, please make sure to update your support ticket with this information ...

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    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone, I thoroughly understand the frustration these disconnections have been. We are aware of this and currently investigating the causes of this time. However, please note that any penalties issued are server-side by an automated system and cannot be overturned, unfortunately. I know this is also a massive irritation as well at this time. If you have already provided the Match ID(s) and the server you were playing on when encountering this behavior, please know I have ensured your reports have been shared with our team's ongoing investigation. However, if you have not spoken with our support team and this has happened to you, please post the Match ID here and include the console you are playing on so we can continue to provide this information to the Dev Team moving forward. While I also do not have any further updates to provide at this given moment, please know that we will be keeping everyone posted as soon as we have other news to share. We thank you so much for bearing ...

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    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks! Apologies for the problems you have been seeing during your matches. We are actively looking into reports of this behavior. Could you please share with us the server you were playing on when running into game drops from a match and possibly the Match ID(s) when this has happened?

09 Dec


@hollowtoes Hiya! Sorry to hear that you have this problem during your matches in Siege. If you have already tried both our Voice Chat and PC Troubleshooting steps to help remedy the issue, please reach out to ou...

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    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks, thanks for sharing this with us. Our team is currently aware of this problem and further investigating the cause. Apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused at this time. While I don't have further updates to share, please stay tuned in to our public channels and our news & announcements page for further updates in the meantime. If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. We truly appreciate your patience and understanding.

    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi there, and welcome to the forums, @Nlmyr. Could you share a short video clip of this behavior when playing Siege? Could you also let us know if it starts during the first round or later in rounds? Finally, if it's later in the match, could you describe the exact actions before the sound starts?

    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @LiamCowling, thanks for reaching out to us here and greeting the forums! To ensure that the trophy is registering for you after completing the 10 round requirement, I recommend following our Troubleshooting Step here and playing another round with any operators from the same 4 operators. If you continue to have the same results with this trophy, please confirm the operators you have used. Thanks!