Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

01 Feb

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for the report. I'm not sure if it is because you don't own the DLC or if it's a bug so I'll report it to the dev team to look into anyway and if it's a bug they can look into addressing that.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for the reports. I would suggest though to create separate threads for each issue you wish to report though, as it is easier to have conversations about specific issues in 1 thread rather than multiple things in 1 thread and also helps determine how many people are being affected or noticing something. Long threads of text also can put players off reading the thread and if they don't know what the thread is specifically about from the title, are less likely to click on it and see what you reported.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Jindii_xX

Have you bought the DLC's to get the other scenario's? This site : ( also useful for game help and will show you the other scenarios and how to access them:

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @davidlexicon2

There are 5 variations of the sheepfold you can place. You are looking at 3 of 5. All 5 look slightly cosmetically different, but that's all.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Bella_Amor

I've just commented on another thread about this one too but a fix is planned already for a future update. When we have a date, it will be posted along with the full patch notes in the News and Announcements section.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


I see we have reported both of these issues to the dev team already. The banner issue should already be resolved in a future planned update but they are still looking into the missing horses and wheels issue.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @DeRock1701

Can you just confirm if you are having the same issue as shown in this video?


We reported this previously but were unable to reproduce the issue, so if you could also let us know your system specs and we'll ask the dev team to look into this again.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for reporting this and providing the images. I'll let the dev team know so they can check it is intended and correct it.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @FloLU78

I'm sorry to hear that the game isn't launching. Can you just try disabling the cloud sync option in the Ubisoft Connect settings? Does this then let you launch the game?

If so, you can try enabling it again after playing a session.

31 Jan

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Coleman_1

I can see some issues with the stadium are due to be resolved in an upcoming patch so hopefully if it is linked to one of these then it will be solved then. If not, please give this a bump so we can confirm this is a different issue.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @qqwwqqww10

I can see some issues with the stadium are due to be resolved in an upcoming patch so hopefully if it is the same issue then it will be solved then. If not, please give this a bump so we can confirm this is a different issue.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @IIAc3sII

As other players have mentioned, please can you provide a description of the issue you are having? Providing a screenshot is great, but without saying what it's supposed to be showing when it's not something obvious like an error message, then we can't be sure what you are trying to report.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Asilee

Would you be able to record a little video clip or provide some screenshots highlighting what you see and where you are checking? If we can show that to the dev team it would be easier for them to see the issue incase they are unable to reproduce it on their own saves.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for reporting this and the video. I'll report this to the dev team to look into.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @arjhaym

I apologise you haven't had a reply to your ticket yet, but the team can only respond to tickets in the order they are received and we have a large amount at the moment. Please rest assured they will get to you and respond. Thanks for adding all the images required already.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @SirHarryPierce

This video is 3hours 45 min long. Which part of the video are you wanting us to look at specifically?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @jay_davies88

Is the base game working fine for you still and it just appears that the New World Rising content is unavailable?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Just trying to understand if this is the same issue we have already reported previously. Do you see the newspaper saying there is "still no market"?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Ti_Wiwi971

You have posted this on the English forums, so please could you translate your post if you are OK with receiving responses in English on here?

Alternatively, we have other language forums that you can locate at the bottom right of the page, just click on "English" to see a drop down menu to be taken to the other language forums we have support available on. 

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


This should be resolved in a future update but we'll share confirmation when we receive patch notes saying it is. Thanks for your reports and images 🙂