Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

01 Feb

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @juergen-trum!

I’m terribly sorry but we're only able to help in English on this Discussions. This is just because we try to avoid automatic translation tools to help avoid potential misunderstandings. Instead, we feel it’s better for our players to speak to Support Agents and other players who also speak their preferred language.

We do have some other language forums that can be located at the bottom right of the page. Just click on "English" to see a drop-down menu to be taken to the other language forums we have support available o...

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    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @AORUS2017

Yes, this is a bug. We have already reported it to the dev team and they are aware and looking into this.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @IIAc3sII

Thanks for the report and the videos. I'll forward these over to the dev team to take a look into this.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @N-Dynamite2010

I think this has already been reported but just to be sure, can you check ...

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    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Annikase

There's nothing to suggest this is a bug as we have so little reports of this happening and no one has replied to us after their first post about this (so we don't know if they just found they were doing something wrong or hadn't done something)

Could you record a video clip showing your progress and what you have available to you please?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad to hear it should be sorted, and thanks 🙂

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundreAd1800

This wasn't a bug and was intended to be this way. Your feedback and suggestions on how to improve it though have been passed on to the dev team.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @lawrencepepper

We have reported this once before but the team have been unable to reproduce the issue so would like to know the following:

Did you encounter this issue only once?
If more than once, how frequently?
Can you provide a video of it?
Did you do any extra steps before New world ambient music start playing?
Did you have any game mods installed?

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks @arnoldsuen. I've collected your save file from the ticket and will report this to the dev team and send them your file to test in case they are unable to reproduce the issue themselves. I've set your support ticket to close automatically so you don't need to do anything else with that.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad to hear it's sorted @danielstorgaard.

If you are ever experiencing an issue, we would need to determine if any mods are being used to see if that is the cause because those are not official or part of the intended game, so that's always a good place to start if you are using them.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing that this worked for you @itszv.

I just saw another post where someone was missing some cosmetics so I'll let them know to give this a try.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Pinepyi

It's OK, the dev team have reproduced the issue and a fix is on the way 🙂

No date available to share as of yet, but keep an eye on the News and Announcements section for when we post patch notes (or just check in game after each patch)

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @StageFox

I'm sorry to hear you are unable to make the purchases. I can only suggest trying different payment methods if possible, or speaking to your bank to see if they are preventing payments (as they should be able to see failed transactions) as there isn't anything we can press on our side to make the payment go through.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @zEro_nA

I see you have an ongoing support ticket about this already. I apologise there hasn't been a reply to it for a little while but you will get a reply and we'll need to continue this on there as it is related to your account, so we can't discuss anything openly here on the forums.

I just saw another thread with some steps that worked for someone else missing some cosmetic purchases. I'll link it for you here so you can take a look and maybe give ...

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    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


I've passed on this info and suggestions to the dev team to look into improvements for this, so thanks for the reports 🙂

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Asterix201252

Thanks for reporting this false newspaper report too. It could be 1 bug causing all of these issues but I'll report this one separately so the dev team are made aware of this one too.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

No worries @Acidello, feel free to come back to the thread any time you can if you find you are still having problems.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for the reports of this. I've made sure the dev team are aware this is happening so they can take a look.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


The dev team have been made aware and reproduced the issue, so they are aware of this and looking into it.

    Ubi-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Tombombalin1

I'm sorry to see you start get some lag after playing a long session. Thankfully you at least have a workaround already of relaunching the game but obviously that's not ideal to have to do all the time.

Do you have any other drives you can try reinstalling the game on to see if this helps preventing it happen?