Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

21 Jan

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @Vienna71_at , thanks for reaching out here on the forums! Great to hear you're giving Anno 1800 another go πŸ™‚

I understand you've not been able to get the game started up. You mentioned you've got a code there - did you get that code from within Ubisoft Connect? If not, we've got a support article ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @wadelouky , thanks so much for reaching out! Sorry to hear you're having the same issue with Bespoke Tailor, that's really unfortunate.

As far as I can see, besides your report and the one from ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya @Eyolfur , welcome to our forums, and thanks for sharing your report of this issue! I appreciate it πŸ™‚ I've not had a look at exactly what's causing the issue myself, but what you've said sounds accurate to me. Fortunately, we're working with Microsoft for an eventual fix, but we don't have any ETA on that. My apologies for the issue in the meantime.

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @TerrorKlaasje and @Ki37xVU , welcome to the Anno 1800 forums! I understand you've both not been able to find your local single player save after having played multiplayer, which is most unusual.

Usually, when this happens, it means the save file has become corrupted. There are a few methods for restoring save files, but unfortunately each of them requires having taken some steps beforehand to back the saves up. I've noted them below nonetheless.

Managing cloud saves in Anno 1800

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Synchronos357 Oh, whoops! I'd missed that from the patch notes. Thanks for pointing that out - you're a star ✨

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@Mustang-242 Me trying to read this expedition text:

Thanks for pointing that one out, too - I've added it to my report.

20 Jan

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @IIAc3sII - sincerest apologies for the slow response, and thanks so much for this write-up. Fortunately, I can see our teams are aware of what's causing this issue, so I'm confident they're doing everything they can to move the issue along. It does sound like a huge faff to deal with, for sure, so I can understand your frustration. I'd recommend keeping an eye on our ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Howdy there @Mustang-242 ! Thanks so much for the kind words - I'm glad to hear you're having a good time in the 1800s πŸ™‚

Spelling mistakes drive me mad, so I really appreciate you cataloguing these for us. I've gone ahead and passed all the screenshots you've sent across to our teams internally so we can sort it.

For the marketplace issue, I can see our teams are aware of this and are looking into it. I don't know yet if it's intended - we've confirmed that the behaviour is indeed as you've both described it - but if we hear back either way, I'll let you know.

Thanks again for these reports!

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Davez621 , welcome to the Anno forums! I really appreciate your reports of these two issues with Pride and Peddlers - that the text is actually that of A Clash of Couriers, and that the medals are being awarded prematurely.

Fortunately, both of these are issues our team has noted internally, so we're currently investigating. That said, I really appreciate the reports! I hope you've otherwise been having a good time with the game ✨

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya @Synchronos357 , thanks very much for sending across this screenshot, your save file, and your explanation of the issue! All very understandable, and I've passed everything over mostly verbatim for our teams to look into. Many thanks to ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Howdy @hundreAd1800 , thanks for that further clarification. I can see our teams have reproduced this on our side, and are investigating from there ✨

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @nikki20194 , thanks very much for reaching out! Sorry to hear you're having a similar issue with DLCs not being recognised.

Can you clarify for me where you'd purchased the base game, and where you've purchased the DLCs? Please note that the base game and the DLCs need to be on the same launcher for them to be recognised - it unfortunately doesn't work to mix and match. If you've purchased the DLC and base game on the same platform, and found them to still not be recognised, please reach out to our support team directly so that we can have a closer look at your account to see what's happening.


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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @swisstimers , welcome to the forums πŸ™‚

Here on this forum, we can only help in English. This is because we prefer to avoid automatic translation tools if we can, since they can lead to misunderstandings. Instead, we feel it is best for players to speak to our support agents (and other players) who speak their preferred language.

For support with Anno 1800 in German, please follow this link: ...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Howdy @hundreAd1800 ! Indeed, I can see that the canal crossing is not showing overlays. Very rude of it, sorry about that! I can see our team is aware of this one already, and are investigating. Thanks very much for the report πŸ™‚

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Howdy @Crobtastic πŸ™‚ Welcome to our forums! I understand you've found the Grand Stadium to exhibit similar issues to the World's Fair. I can see our teams have noted these similarities internally already, fortunately, so I'm confident they're figuring this into their investigation already. That said, I really appreciate your report - that really helps us out!

My sincerest apologies for this inconvenience while we continue to look into the issue! I hope you've otherwise been enjoying Anno 1800 πŸ™‚...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Heya @Skovenjaege___r , thanks for sending this further report across - I've added it to the investigation. For the wrong text being displayed, this is a separate issue our teams are also tracking, and I appreciate you pointing it out here too.

Thanks to @Synchronos357 for sharing insights into what causes the issue, and to @Skovenjaege___r for confirming! I'm confident that'll be really helpful for our teams looking to reproduce the issue on our end.

My apologies for this issue, folks - I understand it's a downer on this scenario, and I'm confident our teams will be doing what they can to move this along πŸ™‚...

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    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Cheers, @Synchronos357 - I'll reply over on that thread πŸ™‚

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Howdy @Asterix201252 , thanks for pointing this out! Indeed, it looks like the tooltip is going off-screen, and you can't see the edge with the close button. Sorry about that! I've reported it internally πŸ™‚

    Ubi-Thrupney on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @dubie3795 πŸ™‚ I'm sorry to hear you've faced a smilar issue on your Windows machine. To clarify, @Ubi-Milky 's response was specifically directed to @MarvAndTheMagic , rather than to anyone else having similar issues.

I can see you've posted over ...

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