Hey @kevin1067
You'll also need a support ticket for us to look into this and be able to resolve it for you. Please reach out on a channel below with uncropped images of your purchase.
Live Chat (w...
Hey @kevin1067
You'll also need a support ticket for us to look into this and be able to resolve it for you. Please reach out on a channel below with uncropped images of your purchase.
Live Chat (w...
I'm sorry you still haven't had a reply. I have seen others mention long waits too but we are still tackling a large backlog of older tickets at the moment. As I said before, you will get a reply once your ticket comes through to someone's inbox again, you don't need to keep updating it.
Hey @hundreAd1800
Thanks for reporting this too and for the screenshot. I've let the dev team know
Thanks for your feedback and suggestions regarding this. I don't know if it was intended or a bug but I'll report it as a bug for now to see what the dev team say.
Thanks for the images showing these. I'll forward them to the dev team to have a look into this.
Howdy there again, @oginecka50
Our team has been investigating the issue you'd reported with New World music playing when it shouldn't, and they've asked me to ask you a few questions to help them narrow down what's happening. Can you answer the below for me?
I'll pass on the info shared here to the dev team and ask them to run some tests and see if they can reproduce it.
Hey @AORUS2017
I'm sorry to hear that. Are you still having the issue or have you done anything to try and resolve it already or found a workaround?
Thanks for letting us know @SirHarryPierce. Glad to hear it seems to be resolved, but let us know if you notice it again.
Thanks for sharing your feedback and suggestions on this too. I'll forward this on to the dev team.
Thanks for your feedback and suggestion about this. I'll forward it on to the dev team to consider for future updates.
We haven't been able to reproduce such issues so as these type of issues usually are hardware related, the dev team want to ask you to provide your dxdiag + engine.ini files.
If the issue happens only on a particular island - they also need a save file to be provided, letting us know which island that issue happens at.
Any other specifics, like if the issue happens in a specific region only or anything else like that , would be appreciated also.
Please reach out through one of the options below to be able to send us these files.
Live Chat (when available)
Hey @Coleman_1
Still having an issue with not be able to interact with them?
If so, could you create a support ticket and attach a copy of your save file to it so we can forward it on to the de...
Thanks @Mevelios, I'll pass this one on too.
Hey @DarkCallous
I reported this to the dev team the other day from someone else reporting this on the forums too and the dev team have confirmed the issue and looking into it.
Yeah, I think it will be the same as this too @Asterix201252
I think there's a planned change for this in a future patch but we'll have more information closer to the time when we have the patch notes and can share them on the forums.
Yeah, it didn't save the timestamp. Thanks for clarifying, we'll take a look into this.
Hey @SirHarryPierce
We're aware of the issue and the dev team have reproduced this since I raised it to them the other day, so they are looking into it.
Thanks for reporting this and providing an image. I'll get that reported to the dev team and I apologise for any inconvenience it causes.