Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

27 Feb

    Ubi-Litten on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for providing this feedback, at this time we do not have an "official" workaround but our team is currently looking into this issue. Please keep an eye here, on our forums and the Anno Union for all future updates and patch notes. Lastly, if you are able to get this resolved, please feel free to let us know so we can forward this information on.
    Ubi-Litten on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there, sorry to hear you have experienced this. We have previously been made aware of a similar issue but believe this was resolved in an update patch earlier last year. So we can get this looked into could you confirm your game files are fully up to date and if possible provide a short video clip or series of screenshots showing how this occurs in game before being ungraciously sent back to the title screen.?

19 Feb

    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey folks,

Sorry to hear you are all still encountering this issue.

Can you create a ticket on our website and include your MSinfo and ... Read more
    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Glorfinnin,

Has the steps provided by SirHarryPierce helped you out?

@twiFight thanks for sharing these! I will pass them onto the team
    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey folks,

Thanks for sharing your knowledge SirHarryPierce!

Can you confirm if any of this has happened to you in your campaign iansolo2010?

14 Feb

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Glorfinnin: Hi there! I was able to peep the videos you provided and wanted to thank you for taking the time to capture that! Moving forward, have you and your co-op partner tried verifying the game files already?

13 Feb

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Air4lex: Awesome! Thanks, Air4lex! I appreciate you taking the time to update us with what has worked for you!

07 Feb

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
We have updated the known issues list

06 Feb

    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Nulb7,

Sorry to hear that!

Have you tried the steps listed above?

The re-installation of your GPU drivers and supporting software?
    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey SeaLucky,

Sorry to hear that!

Have you uploaded your save data to a ticket on our website?
    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Glorfinnin,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the forums!

I'm sorry to hear you have encountered this issue. Are you able to provide us with a video showing that you are not able to complete your photography quests?
    Ubi-Swaggins on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey demonuka30k,

I am afraid that it is not possible for us to add extra languages to your version of the game.

The regional restrictions are to ensure that players buy the version of their game from the correct region so they get the correct languages available.

If you purchase the game in Russia, you would get the Russian language version of the game.
    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
demonuka30k: Since there is not a way to add a language pack to the version you have purchased, please create a support ticket here for further support on handling this issue and the ability to request a refund if you would like to do so.

05 Feb

    Ubi-Ginge on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi justmerkmusic, and welcome to the forums.
Looking on your account, I'm unable to see Anno 1800 on there.

When you said you were unable to acces the game store page to download it, did you mean you're unable to purchase it?
Are you able to purchase it from our webstore?

03 Feb

    UbiDork on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
demonuka30k: Hey there! I'm sorry that you're running into this issue, but I'm here to help out as much as I can! I did check your Ubisoft Account and I see that you purchased the Anno 1800 ( Russian ) Gold Edition from the Ubisoft Store. However, to confirm, you are now wanting to have access to different languages than Russian?

29 Jan

    Ubi-Shikallum on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by zak23ben
Yes, I did that too. Hopefully you'll get back to me soon.
I can see that Siege was added to your account!

27 Jan

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
As long as we can't reproduce the issue, it's very difficult to find the source of it.
So, no, it's not a "will not fix" kind of thing, but without reproduction, the team will focus on other issues first.

That's why we keep asking for affected savegames.

Thank you, Waya85, will forward

26 Jan

    Ubi-Shikallum on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

If you contact us on social we will be able to look into this for you:
    Ubi-Shikallum on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Cheers, I can see that you've contacted on the support site too. We will get back to as soon as possible there

24 Jan

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Going by your description (greyed out in Uplay), it sounds like you're logged in with a different account now, not the one you originally activated the games on.
Could you double-check (email, username) that you're logged in with the correct account?

If you can't find the right account anymore, I'd recommend contacting our colleagues from customer support: