Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

21 Jan

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Please find the release notes for GU 6.1 (17.12.2019) here

And the release notes for the upcoming GU 6.2 (23.01.2020) ... Read more

20 Jan

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Depending on the platform you bought it, you should find the game in your game library.
Let's assume you got the Uplay version:
- Start Uplay and login to your account
- Open the library tab and search for Anno 1800
- Download + install the game

17 Jan

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Going by the recent comments there seem to be two different issues with the journal:
- people having it, but it not progressing the quest after reading
- not getting the journal at all

The team is still requesting savegames for the issue. We'd highly appreciate it, if you could send us (e.g. me, via PM) your affected savegame and a quick description, which of the two issues mentioned above is affecting you.

Apologies for the inconveniences caused by this bug.

16 Jan

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Twiztid.Tragedy, we had some issues with the store yesterday evening which caused some delays in order delivery.
I checked your account and you should now be able to find Anno 1800 in your Uplay account.

Apologies for the delay.

09 Jan

    Ubi-Mullac on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

If you both are getting an issue with cloud syncing causing you to be unable to launch the game, can you please try the following:

1. Open Uplay as administrator, click the menu icon at the top left and go to settings.
2. Untick "Enable cloud save synchronization for supported games"
3. Make backup of savegames - default location C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames
4. Launch game, play till the game makes an autosave or you manually save. If you could play for approximately 5-10 minutes.
5. Quit game, re-enable cloud saves and launch game again.
6. Select local save when prompted. Saves should be resynced.

15 Dec

    UbiCovah on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, everyone!

Please make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements.

Also, complete these steps that may help.

If you need additional assistance, feel free to reach out at ... Read more

13 Dec

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by HawkyCZ
Got the game yesterday, got to this sidequest. I think I had Berryl at 50 Reputation when accepting the quest and then due to deteriorating time or something it lowered to 48 before I got to her and transfered goods "None-of-your-bussiness" to my ship. Had to go to a location to give the goods to a named ship. It all went well and quest finished without problems. But due to reasons I reloaded, got to her harbour for the goods again and then the target location was my ship and no named ship. Following reloads didn't fix it.
I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue.

Unfortunately it sounds as though this is an issue with your save ... Read more
    Ubi-Houck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi morganjah!

Benchmark is used to show how well your computer runs the game. It will give you a detailed report of it. If your benchmark is running and you wish to quit, press Esc afew times as to skip all the scenes it will play.

    Ubi-Houck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Katje-Katrien

I have run both benchmarks.
But how can I open the file to see the results?


You should be able to find them here:

Documents > Anno 1800 > Benchmarks


11 Dec

    Ubi-Houck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone!

I just wanted to keep you updated that we are still looking into this issue.

I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
    Ubi-Houck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry to hear you guys also have that issue. Please do create a support ticket, if the steps provided do not help!

Originally Posted by UbiDork
Hi everyone!

If you have already tried verifying your game files and still did not see that the content unlocked for you, much like Ubi-Raziel said, we should be able to provide these rewards to you.

If that doesn't work for you, please try the following!

Create a support ticket at ...
Read more

10 Dec

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
You need the right approach to optimize your economy, found something that might be a bug or require guidance how item sets help optimize your playstyle? You can rely on the collective knowledge of the Anno community and post your question right away to receive help and advice. And as we are a community where players are helping players, don�t forget to let everyone know that a response was helpful by thanking the other community members for their support.

This sharing of knowledge is the key for a healthy community but we do not take your contribution as granted. The Ubisoft Companions program therefore is a true community effort and as such, you, our helpful players, are the beating heart of the program. Players who provide advice and help out other members of our community can become a Ubisoft Companion, a group of game experts who excel at helping others and share their knowledge about Anno 1800 with players around the globe.

The Ubisoft Companions ar... Read more

09 Dec

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Game Update 6 including coop mode and statistics menu releases on December 10th!

You can find the full release notes here.

04 Dec

    Ubi-Woofer on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello GL114222, would you mind clarifying for me what the exact issue is? Have you completed DLC actions that should grant rewards etc. in the Club, but these have not completed?

Are you able to provide screenshots from in-game showing that you have fuflilled the requirements for these rewards / challenges?

I have moved your thread over into our ANNO 1800 Player Support section to ensure that you receive the further assistance you need in the correct subforum.

03 Dec

    Ubi-Redbeard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the updates on this, folks and thank you for providing your case numbers.

I will forward them over to the team for investigation.
    Ubi-Redbeard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reporting this to us.

The issue is under investigation and we hope to have it resolved as soon as possible.

13 Nov

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry for the late reply and the silence here in this thread.

Thank you for the savegame, FetterBruder, we have forwarded this issue to the dev team.
GU 5.3 was the last update we released (17 October) and no further patches were/are planned till the release of GU 6.0 in early December in order to fully focus on the development of the new content and fixing of known issues (with a playtest for it going on right now).

As soon as we got more details about GU6.0 and/or this specific issue with the Sunken Treasure questline, we will let you know.
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by warzak13
Thank you for unlocking but I still have DLC Anarchist (screenshot anno 1800_2) . Could you please help me unlock them? Thank you
Hey! Sorry about that, I've just unlocked the rest for you now

- DLC: Megaphone Tower
- DLC: Anarchist Banner
- DLC: Anarchist Ensemble

Enjoy your day!

12 Nov

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Naasson
UbiDork thank you. The DLCs are unlocked, but I noticed that - my gold (Ubisoft Club points)
have risen from 28 to, incredible large, 4294967194! When I try to spend this gold I got message
telling me that "Ubisoft Rewards are unavailable for now". Could you fix it?
I have corrected this for you and it should reflect on your account.

I apologise for the inconvenience caused.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi all,

Just to update you on this issue. We are unable to manually unlock the DLC Club rewards, the dev team are still investigating.

You could try these troubleshooting steps as a workaround to see if it helps.

Please keep an eye this forum and the Anno Union for all future updates and patch notes.