Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

07 Jun

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Ah! My apologies @storazi.

I didn't realize it was a virtual machine. I'm glad you got it fixed though and feel free to let me know if there's anything else I can help with! 😊

06 Jun

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @rati12!

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get a gold medal in "Seasons of Silver". This is an issue that the teams are currently investigating.

Could I have you upload your latest save file so I can get this all passed along to them?

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Gotcha @storazi.

Please try verifying your files to see if that clears up the issue. (no pun intended)

If that doesn't help, could you grab me a short video clip so that I can investigate a bit better?

Also, have you noticed that you're stuck in the clouds after building something specific or doing something, or is it just completely random?

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Understood @patrickzero133. I'm sorry those steps didn't help.

Could I have you start a Support Case with us so that we can look into this a little further with you over private channels?

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @noaim-zero and @LittleBabyZyabl.

I'm sorry to hear you're both running into this issue with Ram usage as well.


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05 Jun

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, we found the cause of the issue for anyone playing the Steam version of the game.
The fix is currently being tested and will be deployed together with Cosmetic DLC 8 at the end of June.

So, good news on this front, but we will have to ask for a little bit more patience. Apologies for the current inconveniences.

02 Jun

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @patrickzero133.

I'm sorry you're having trouble accessing your DLC as well.

This forum is managed by Ubisoft US and UK teams so we ask that any posts be made in English so we can effectively moderate.

That being said, were you able to complete the steps provided by @Ubi-Nacho and ...

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    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for getting me that screenshot @storazi.
Try to zoom in on your map through the clouds. If you’re not able to, could you grab me a short video clip of you switching between words and not being able to zoom in so that I can check into this a little better?Β 

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @fyrehawk0581! Welcome to Discussions. πŸ’š

My apologies that you're having some trouble with upgrading your workers.

Could you grab me a short video clip of what's happening here to better help me see what's going on?

    Ubi-LadyBlue on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @mati8211!

I'm so very sorry for the delay in my response and that you're running into some issues with Tobias resupplying some of your goods.

Since then, if you're still experiencing this, have you noticed it occurs with more than just the wood and grain?

I'd also like for you to try verifying your files if you haven't already and u...

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01 Jun

    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @storazi, welcome to Discussions!

I'm sorry that you are having this issue in the game where the map is not being revealed and is all clouds. I'm not seeing the screenshot provided. Can you try to upload the image to a website like Google Drive or somewhere similar to share a link to the image so I can take a look? Thank you! πŸ™‚

31 May

    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @mikeos2001, welcome to Discussions!

I'm sorry to hear that you've run into this issue with a new save! Please follow the troubleshooting suggested by @Ubi-Thrupne...

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    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @montydjberlin and welcome to Discussions!

I'm sorry to hear that you are also having trouble accessing this DLC after purchasing it from Epic. Thanks for trying those steps that ...

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    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @yorky65! Thanks for reaching out about this. I've tried looking into this myself but I'm not seeing any info about Farmers and Workers with 'News' as a need. Could you please take a screenshot of this issue? It might help me get a better understanding of what you're seeing in your game. πŸ™‚

    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @acidello! Thanks for updating us and I'm glad to hear that the item is now appearing in your game as it should be! Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. πŸ™‚

    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @jharrison90! Welcome to Discussions!

Sorry to hear that you are having this issue with the graphics quality in your game! Could you please grab a screenshot of your in-game graphics settings so that we can take a closer look?

Please also go through our troubleshooting guide here and be sure to ...

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    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @d4lil4m4! Welcome to Discussions!

Thanks so much for sharing this issue with us. We appreciate that you took the time to work through this and figured out a way to get the game to load perfectly every time you launch it. If you happen to come across anyone else having this issue in the forums, please feel free to share this info with them! I'll be sure to pass this along as well. πŸ™‚

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns, thank you!

    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @ly18361300363 and welcome to Discussions!

To expedite your refund request, please submit a request directly from the order history page on the Ubisoft Store site here. If you are unable to submit a refund through the order history page, you will need to create a support case here. The Store team will help take a look into this and assist you further with the refund request. Let me know if you have any other questions! πŸ™‚...

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    Ubi-Perseids on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@patalong Hello, and welcome to Discussions!

Very strange that you were able to get this achievement without even unlocking the Haciendas yet! So that we can get this reported to the team, would you be able to provide any screenshots we can share with them?

Even though it was only one achievement and not all of them, some players have reported success with the following workaround:
1. Disable Cloud Save Sync in Ubisoft Connect
2. Rename 'accountdata.a7s' in ..\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts\\ (this is your local account file)
3. Rename folder '4553' in ..\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\\ (this is the Cloud Saves file)
4. Launch game and verify that achievements are the same in-game as in connect
5. Enable Cloud S...

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