Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Dev Tracker

12 Feb


@bunnybowin_jrcb No problem! I'm sorry for the continued issues you are having after the patch. To help take a closer look into this and share some further information for the Dev Team to continue investigating this, could you please create a support ticket with your ...

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Thanks, @peter8uk! Apologies for the delay between responses. I shared this information back with the team to further review. If there are any further questions they may have, I will keep you posted. However, I am sorry for the inconvenience this causes right now when queuing with others every time you log into the game. Please stay tuned to here and on our ...

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@lanryk Hello and welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear the issue is also affecting your missions. Would you provide a screenshot of your sound settings so I can look into this further for you?


@lyon-cz Greetings and welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear about the Maelstrom stats resetting after the maintenance earlier. I recommend verifying game files in Ubisoft Connect as a first step. Please let me know if you see any changes in your stats.

11 Feb


@peter8uk No problem! Thank you for providing this footage for us. Very odd that it reverts back to off for you. To confirm did this start occurring for you when you first started playing Rainbow Six Extraction, or later? I will be handing this over to the Dev Team to look into this. 🙂


@TunZ Hey there, I understand this is frustrating. However, I see that your ticket is still in escalation with our team. Our Support teams are also experiencing an extremely high volume of contacts at this time. Please know that a member of our team will reach out to you as soon as possible once the transfer has been processed successfully. We thank you so much for bearing with us during this time.


Hey @veloxis467, I am incredibly sorry for the overall trouble you have been going through accessing Rainbow Six Extraction. When running into startup issues, I recommend double-checking your graphics card drivers to ensure they are up-to-date. I would also check for any ...

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Hey @peter8uk, Cross-Play for Rainbow Six Extraction should be enabled by default for all platforms. If you have to enable it every time you load the game, I would try a fresh reinstall of the game on your console to see if any file issues occurred during previous updates or the initial installation. However, if you have already tied this out and still encounter the same behavior, could you share a video clip of this being replicated on your end with u...

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@catboxth No worries! To confirm, do you use any VPN software on your PC, and do you have it enabled when playing Rainbow Six Extraction?


Hey @bulanmaster! Welcome to the forums! We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. When this has happened, were you able to capture a video clip of this behavior? Any footage you can share is greatly appreciated to provide this to the team to investigate further.


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@bunnybowin_jrcb Hello there, thank you for reaching out to us here, and welcome to the forums! Apologies for the trouble this problem has been causing when loading Rainbow Six Extraction. We did have a new patch added today. Have you tried launching...

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Warmest greetings to the forums @krissepis! I am sorry to hear you receive this error message when loading Rainbow Six Extraction. I see that you have tried some troubleshooting steps with our team. Can you also please try the following:

  • Add R6-Extraction.exe to your antivirus exception list along with upc.exe (Ubisoft Connect launcher)
  • Launch the game and Ubisoft Connect with administrator right...
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Welcome to the forums @ub-rion, and thank you for contacting us here! However, our team can only offer support on these forums in English at this time; our apologies for this. If you would like to request support in your preferred language so we can continue to look into his with you, please open a ticket with us ...

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@Goose-AndDuck Hey there! I moved your thread, so it is more visible for the Dev Team to view this. 🙂


Hello there, @wzjfx and greetings to the forums! We thank you for reaching out to us here! However, our team can only offer support on these forums in English at this time; apologies for this. If you still need assistance and would like to request support in your preferred language, please open a ticket with us here. Otherwise, you can also contact us directly through our ...

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Hey there, @crz_park and welcome to the forums! Sorry to hear this has been an issue recently in-game. Have you tried playing today to see if you receive the same results after the maintenance downtime? If you have also exhausted all ...

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Hiya @kaisen! The Archean skins have a chance to drop off of Protean enemies that you encounter in Cautious or higher threat levels. What threat level are you currently playing on?

10 Feb


Hey there @pvtbrignac , thanks very much for reaching out! I really appreciate these reports - I'd definitely like to help.

In regards to the crashes you faced when throwing stuns, this should be fixed tomorrow - see our announcement about this ...

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Hey there @michael12435690 - welcome to the forums, and thanks for reaching out. I've gone ahead and moved your post to a new thread, since you were discussing a different issue to the one in the other thread. On all internet forums, do please remember to start a new thread when talking about a new topic, so that players can tell from the thread titles what is in each thread. Thanks!

I'm sorry to hear you've not got items you've purchased, and faced disconnects - that's most unfortunate, especially with the penalties associated with abandoning incursions. I'll be h...

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