Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Dev Tracker

08 Feb


Hey @Duckscythe

Thanks for providing the additional info, your system specs and the image. There's a list of suggestions on AMD's site here: (https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/gpu-800) for driver timeout issues which could be causing the game to crash, starting from checking for windows updates. Could you have a look through their suggestions and let us know if any of them helped?


Hey @lordxbammtv

Are you able to try reinstalling the game to a different drive at all and see if this helps? Preferably the Windows drive if possible (if it isn't already) but if you can just try it on any other drive at least and see if this helps and let us know how you get on?


Hey @shaggytoph

I'll let @Ubi-Milky know they spelt your name wrong, but thanks for helping out on the thread 🙂...

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Hey @majorwoops 

 The dev team has been made aware of the issue, but in the meantime you can also try checking if there is any driver updates for the integrated graphics chip as well (if you haven't already) and see if this helps. 

 We'll post any updates on the issue when we receive them from the dev team.


Hey @claud1u111

Ah OK, thanks for the update. Just thought it might be worth posting in case some players didn't know where to find this and to give it a go.


Hello @emperor413,

Sorry to hear that your game keeps crashing while using stun grenades.

I can see that this issue has been already reported to the development team and it's currently being investigated. Once we have an update, we will let everyone know through these forums.

I also merged your thread with our megathread for better visibility.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.


Hello @emperor413,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

Can you please provide us with more details i.e. did you encounter this issue just once or does it happen more frequently? Has restarting your game fixed this issue for you, by any chance?

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know!

07 Feb


@tvpace4017 Hey there, I am sorry to hear of your frustration with the error you're receiving in Rainbow Six Extraction. After checking up on your case, I can confirm that this issue is something our teams are aware of, and are investigating.

When there is an update concerning this, it will be posted here on our ...

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@vivizinho_uwu Gonna move you over to Player Support. Someone should be able to help you over there.


Hey @willrapfornudes

You can find guidance on this on the Microsoft support site for Windows here.


Hey @wildhunt

Thanks for the report and the video. After watching this, I found this issue has already been reported and our dev team have reproduced this so they are aware of it. I've added your video to the report anyway, just in case it helps.


No problem @acerpenguin, happy to help 🙂


Hey @goose-andduck

Thanks for providing the close up images and additional info. I've added this to the suggestion report.



I'm sorry to hear you are both having a game and driver crash whilst playing. Could you let us know your system specs and the driver version you are currently on for your GPU please so we can see if there may be some relation here?

Can you also let us know if there is a specific error message on screen when this happens and what it says, or provide a screenshot of it?

If it is a driver issue, it may also be worth reporting to to your GPU manufacturer so they can be aware of it too and hopefully get a fairly quick update out to resolve it. Nvidia have an article here how to report issues to them and AMD here: (...

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Hey @felixarvir

Can you just let us know if this has always been the case for you with this game, or has it just started happening?


Thanks for letting us know @anteros000. We'll get back to you through the ticket.


Hey @ry1979

We haven't got any updates from the dev team on this issue yet, but we don't generally find out what will be in a patch until just before one releases and as mentioned earlier in the thread, when we have any news on this it will be posted in the patch notes when one is released that addresses this issue. One thing you could try in the meantime though is to do the level solo on the varying difficulties instead of with your team, as some reports we have had on this have found this to work for them.


Hey @scottyf50

You have posted this on the English forums, so please could you translate your post if you are OK with receiving responses in English on here?

Alternatively, we have other language forums that you can locate at the bottom right of the page, just click on "English" to see a drop down menu to be taken to the other language forums we have support available on. 


Hey @majorwoops

Please can you make sure the computer is trying to launch the game with the correct GPU by following the steps in the article here to set the dedicated GPU to launch the game with.

You need to do the steps mentioned there to set the dedicated GPU, as if you have just deactivated it a different way, that may not resolve it.