Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

30 Aug

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello DuMorde, welcome to the forum.

How recently did you buy the complete edition as it can sometimes take up to 24 hours for content and games to appear on your account?
    UBI-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Not sure what you mean by that but OK. If you ever want to come back to this, please provide a YouTube video of it.
    UBI-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Please can you create a support ticket / live chat for this here.

The game team will need to look into this, so a support ticket will be able to be viewed by them.

29 Aug

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Antoine0010,

Sorry to hear your resolution was short lived. If possible would you be able to direct message me the following files, or provide me with a link to a file sharing site please.

Our QA team would like the following -

1.Your affected save game file

2.Your settings file or engine.ini file that can be found at -
Documents/Anno 1800/config

If you can somehow send me these files, we will be able to investigate this further, thank you.

28 Aug

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by C0elbyte
As topic says i am stuck at 999.999.936 coins in campaign?
I make over +100k coins all the time.

Please help
Hi there.

If possible would you be able to send us a short video demonstrating this we can pass on to the development team? Thanks.

27 Aug

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by marker77pk
Hey Guys,

Ive tried several times, but I can't find the button to re download my game anno 1800. It drives me mad. Your service is not so good. I can't reach you via your site, nor by Phone, nor by the service department. Emails with a verification code are terrible slow. Please send me a better solution. [email protected]
Hey there.

That's strange that you can't download the game from the ... Read more
    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by ShamuManta
Hi Ubi Team

I have the exact same problem of the great eastern badge not showing up after doing the quest.

Unlocked in the achievments section


Not unlocked in the club challenges section


Thanks in advance!
Hey there.

That should be unlocked for you now. Thanks for providing those for us!
    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Mart0501
This problem is happening on all worlds I have made and is so game breacking that it makes the game unplayable.

When I have finished a session and return later to start up the world again, I (for whatever reason) get stuck in the world in which you start the campaign (It is the place where you go dynamite fishing and start the campaign). Note that it happens on both campaign worlds and sandbox worlds. The only thing i can do is move around using my cursor. When I open up the saved game files of the game and load the saved file of the session i finished earlier it does not respond. However I did notice that i can actually load the saved game files of a while back. When I do this I am no longer stuck in the small introduction world and return...
Read more

26 Aug

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there AGupwhy7,

Thanks for contacting us and thank you for reporting these behaviours in the game.

As for your final option, I believe this is intended behaviour, to go with the difficulty of the mode, but I understand where you are coming from with wanting this condition for failure to be communicated better to the player when starting any game on this difficulty mode.

As for the first two behaviours in the missions you reported, are you able to upload any video footage of this happening in the game so that we can investigate further?

Thank you for your help so far.

25 Aug

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there SamuelPachechco, thanks for getting back to us.

I have passed this request and your information onto the Anno game team to get a definitive answer for your particular situation, I will update you as soon as I hear back from the team, thank you!


Hello again SamuelPachechco.

After asking the Anno team about this issue they confirmed that there is no way to play a multiplayer campaign, there is only sandbox mode multiplayer with DLC.

You can probably play a multiplayer campaign mode when used with mods, but Ubisoft doesn't really support that and I am not sure if the DLC would work in this instance either.

As for the DLC activation, after buying and installing the DLC, normally when you load the single player save game, a message will appear asking if you would like to activate the DLC on this save game. If the DLC is greyed out in the menu, this usually means the DLC has not been released yet, ... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello seongmin411,

I don't believe this is possible in the game. You can not select which harbour you would like ships to return to, as ships will usually return to the closest harbour they will return to, after completing an expedition.

The only time ships might travel to another harbour is if you have captured the home island of an competitor. If you destroy that island harbour, it will reset make your ships return to your original home island harbour.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there h4rp00n33r,

At the moment there is no setting within Anno 1800s menu to select which preferred monitor you would like to use.

There are several tricks you can perform though to make sure your game opens up on your desired monitor. Here are two you can try -

-Set your second monitor as your main monitor in the Display settings in Windows
-Launch the game
-When the game loads and appears on your 2nd monitor, close the game
-Set your first monitor as the primary monitor back in the Windows Display settings
-Launch the game again, it should be on your desired monitor

If the above workaround does not work, try this -

-In Uplay, select the options
-Find and select Windowed Mode and uncheck Borderless options
-Find the game launch it
-After the game starts, drag the window to the correct monitor
-Exit the game
-Launch Uplay again
-Go into the Uplay options and this time, ... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello SeawaveGal,

Thanks for getting in contact with us. Which DLC are you unable to activate in particular? Some DLC doesn't become available til you meet certain milestones through playing the campaign.

If you can give me more information, I will be happy to look into this for you.

24 Aug

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone,

Just a quick update on this situation, the game team got back to us and asked could all players experiencing this photography bug please submit us the following files through our support site here - or upload them to a file sharing site where we could download them please.

The files we need from each player who is experiencing this, are -

- dxdiag
- msinfo
- Engine.ini file
- a save game with a "But my smile stays on" quest in the Arctic, that cannot be completed by taking a photo, or any other similar quest that requires you to take a photo to progress

If I can gather this information from anyo... Read more

21 Aug

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi SamuelPachechco,

Thanks for getting in contact with us. What game version are you currently running in Anno 1800 and what version is your friend using?

You should be able to continue playing after purchasing DLC, as long as you both have the same version and exact same version of DLC.

Can I ask which game launcher you have been using to play the game so far? Do you also have a screenshot of the message it gives you for context?

Thank you.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey ciwawa87,

Please know I did not mean to cause you any offence and at no point I think did I imply it was your fault, I was just trying to provide a work around to your issue by suggesting a few things you could do to increase UI but I am sorry if any of this offended you.

I read over your case file and can see Support asked you to change your DPI settings and do a clean boot as you were still running software in the background which we ask players to disable in our first point of troubleshooting that we give.

I realise this may not be an ideal fix and it would be more preferable for the UI to be bigger in the game and you are still experiencing black screen.

I understand your frustration, I was just trying to help by providing some solutions and workarounds on top of what support has asked you to do as well.

As for your crashing issue - I noticed in your system files that this error log appears -
[13:31:41][2... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey sinny1, thanks for letting us know this solved the problem for you too.

Sometimes certain apps and software can interfere with our games as can anti virus, so its best to check the game and the launcher is whitelisted in the anti-virus settings.

For any other software that sometimes causes issue with our games please check out this list by scrolling down the article -

Thank you for letting us know your outcome in case any other players have the same issue.

19 Aug

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey S_Kleer, not a problem!

For anyone else wondering, the “Amusements Pack” Cosmetic DLC, became available on the 11th of August, at 6pm CEST/ 12pm EDT/ PDT for £4.29 / $4.99
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi ciwawa87,

Sorry to hear you are not happy with supports workaround to change your scaling to prevent black screen crashes.

In Anno 1800, there are options within the settings to change the display to correctly display on 4K large monitors and Tvs.

If you would like to increase the scaling of the UI on your monitor to make Anno UI easier to view, you can do this with your Geforce cards Nvidia settings by sharpening the image or you can increase UI size up to 40%

However if you do not wish to make these adjustments you are of course welcome to ask for a refund through your support ticket.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Danno_CZ,

I've deleted your chat transcript to protect the names of your friends accounts just in case, but I have looked into your case number 12465549 and can see it is still being investigated and updates as of yesterday. For any more updates please keep your eyes peeled for email communication form the support team.