Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

08 Oct

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, wsq940812!

Welcome to the forums and sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue. When loading an existing save do you get a message about importing the new content?

Additionally could you please provide some images showing the greyed out DLC?
    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Andie77508
I seem to only have this problem (crashes, no error message) when i get up to the Engineer Stage - starts getting a bit unstable around Artisan/New World, but Engineer stage it crashes every second save (if i'm lucky) any ideas???
Hey! Welcome to the forums and sorry to hear that you are also experiencing this issue.

Could you try the steps advised by alucardu above to see if they help?

If not please let us know. Thank you.
    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by MackyWacky999
I thought i culd never get back on but that worked TYSM!
Awesome to hear that this is sorted for you! If you need further help please reach back out

06 Oct

    UBI-Froggard on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey FAB181,

Please could you provide a screenshot of the error message you see?

There's no known error with saving that I can find, so we can pass it to the game team if it's something new happening.

Also, do you have cloud saves enabled or disabled in the Uplay settings?

05 Oct

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Seigiku
Today I finished completing all achievements. But still not all are displayed (Badges).
My account name: Seigiku.
Please, help me.
Hey there Seigiku,

In line with all previous posts, can you please provide screenshots showing you as having completed the required achievements?

Please ensure your username is visible.

We'd be more than happy to add the badge for you once we have this, thank you!

04 Oct

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by D4nTheM4n1221
Just recently purchased this game after watching some youtube play through and it seems really awesome except for this DirectX error that keeps occurring. It happens consistently for me whether it be booting the game, 10-30 mins of playtime, or sometimes it will play up to an hour before experiencing the error. It is very easy to replicate and I've run the advanced debugging while playing is there a way to send those files instead of just the basic crash report?

WIN10 64bit Version 2004
ThreadRipper 1920X
PowerColor Red Devil 5700 XT

After reading through a bunch of the thread comments I have updated every driver I could think of and am still receiving this error....
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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by rabnivoy
I often encounter issues with the item The Nose. I have equiped several copies of her on a number of islands in Trade Unions, as I'm trying to obtain all of the Legendary items/VIPs that she 'provides'. However, I notice that her effects are gone from an island after a first use.

Case and point:

I have an island with about 250 attractiveness, a Public Mooring, three items in the Harbour Master to buff visits and also a Local Department offering a ~120% buff. This ammounts to about 45% chance of visit for special guests. On this island, the very first visit I got was a Legendary guest, as I had equiped The Nose in a Trade Union. However, next time this island yields me a guest, it's a common one, even though I changed absolutely n...
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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by gwennerd

So I have all the season passes & I've never had any trouble installing anything, But yesterday I bought the only dlc I didnt have yet, the Anarchist, and it won't show up in my Uplay. It says I don't own this DLC yet and gives me the option to buy it. In game its also locked and says '' you don't own this content yet''

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Hey there gwennerd,

Sorry to hear you're having issues accessing your DLC, however this isn't something we can look into via the Forums.

Please contact us through our ... Read more

03 Oct

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by rabnivoy
It seems the Cultural Outreach Act in my Palace is somehwat broken. When it's active during build-up or manifestation of an exhibition and I then save the game, after loading my saved game I still only get three items from the World Fair upon completion of the exhibition. True for different kinds of exhibitions and scales (small, medium, large)
Hey there,

Thank you for reporting this to us!

Has this always been the case since you originally unlocked the Cultural Outreach Act?

Would you also be able to provide any screenshots showing it active and the rewards you obtain from the World Fair Events?

Thank you! ... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by daio_
So will they be fixed any time soon? Only it's close to 2021 now, and it seems like the game I just paid £84 for' seems to have bugs that are 2 years old.
It's hit or miss if any ship quests work, and you can be right at the side of a ship, and the quest items will still not load and say too far away and it's the same with escort missions that won't trigger when you're right at the side of a ship.

Too many bugs' for too much money for a game of this age.
Hello there daoi,

Sorry to hear you're hav... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by dpstockholm
I run on DX11 and it crashes/ freezes as often as not. I have seen no fix or patch for this anywhere for over a year of complaints.
Hey there dpstockholm,

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

Have you attempted any further troubleshooting in the meantime since this began?
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Ellis655
What type of topics can be posted here, what things we can post in off-topic boards?
Hello Ellis655,

Please refer to the ... Read more

01 Oct

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey surothedeath, there must've been some misunderstanding, there's no currently known issue with crashing save games.

Please try the steps linked by Ubi-WheelyDuck, including verifying the game files.
If you have used or are using mods, please remove them and revert any other changes to the game files you might have done.
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by surothedeath
when i try to load my game it chash i have try difrent saves but all crash on loading. i dont know what to do.
Hey surothedeath,

First of all I am sorry to hear that your game is crashing on loading. Is this happening just as you try to load a save state or is it at any other point?

I would suggest trying these steps first of all, part... Read more

30 Sep

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the update CRPOV and I'm glad to hear that .

Hope you have a great game-time and should you require any assistance in the future, do not hesitate and reach out at any time!

28 Sep

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by CRPOV
I recently bought Anno 1800 on Epic, & after a less-than-user-friendly experience, it was fully downloaded. Started it up, & Uplay started downloading 7 gb of patches. Fair enough. About 2.6 gb in, I clicked on the "View Game Details" button right next to the download bar. Uplay just closed down, with nothing replacing it. Now, whenever I start the game, it just opens the Uplau launcher saying "Inlitializing Download," but nothing happens. Any ideas what to do? I just want to play.
Hey there,

Sorry to hear that you are encountering this issue.

Would it firstly be possible to go to your Uplay downloads to see if you have the option to r... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by alucardu
Finally I resolved my issue. The issue was that when I booted the game through Steam or Uplay the game would crash instantly. No splashscreen, no black screen. It wouldn't even start. When I would start it on Steam I would see that small Steam loading box and then it would crash. So I read somewhere that I should run the anno1800.exe file in admin mode, so I gave it a shot. But then I got an error: mfreadwrite.dll was not found after a quick google search it seems this issue happens on Windows 10N installations without the Media Pack update.

There are several ways to get the media pack for Windows 10N but the downloadable ones didn't work for me. So I installed it through Windows self:

start > apps & features > Optional F...
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    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, please be aware that Anno 1800 requires at least a (64bit) version of Windows 7 to run, Vista is not supported.
Have a look at the system requirements here:

24 Sep

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by TBR_79
has this issue been fixed ?? I have exactlz the same issue. COntacted ubisoft they told me to create a video of that... wow great help

Our team is still investigating the issue, we have not yet been able to resolve it.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, we have only been able to suggest a new save game at this time.

21 Sep

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Clickbeetle
Also have the same problem with this 2 achievements:

Those should now... Read more