Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

10 Aug

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Bluebbe3
Thanks for the info Ubi-Milky.
I will try your suggestions, hopefully it will help.
If you can find any info on increasing the font size it would be appreciated. Just seems strange that the patch notes state the font size can be increased, yet there is
no info anywhere on how to do it.
Many thanks once again.

I followed this up with Ubi-Milky for you. Our Anno 1800 customer support team wasn't certain what the patch notes were referring to, however they were able to offer suggestions that will hopefully help.

In the options you will find the option "Radeon Image Sharpening", you can use this function to i... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Benage33
In 4 months of owning this game I've never once seen the ingame TTS work.

It is a simple tick box, it appears easy to enable, yet it has never worked.

This is particularly disappointing as games with TTS are rare and my best friend is mute.

Has anyone else ever seen this working or found any way to make it work?
Hey there,

Thanks for reporting this to us!

Just to confirm, are you able to actively enable it to no effect or is the tick box itself unresponsive?
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey bobbigeuk

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. Please try the steps in the following guides;


Also, we've heard from players that a difference in settings can cause this issue. Please set your graphic settings to low on both sides for testing reasons to see if that causes the LR40-message.

If the issue persists please provide is a screenshot of the error message and your up to date system files.
... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by IMBRAV3
Anno 1800 crashes and says "an unexpected Directx error occurred. Present failed"

I've tried reinstalling directx and switching to directx 11 as well as messing with my graphics settings and even reinstalled both the game and windows but it still crashes every few mins or sometimes few seconds.
Hey there IMBRAV3,

I'm sorry to hear you're having issues.

Please give the ... Read more

06 Aug

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by seongmin411
I really want to change main harbor when ships coming in specific continental

I don't believe it is possible to manually change your main harbour.

Would you be able to describe exactly what harbour you're trying to change and why? A video may also help present your situation better, then we can review it and offer suggestions.
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by ciwawa87
i've installed the nvidia hotfix, the crash still occurs
I can see you've created a separate thread so I will return to you there!

That way we can discuss your particular experience in more detail.
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by ciwawa87
i;ve tried all the steps in the guide and i've the same problem as the people above, my pc does meet and exceed minimum requirement, my game launches, all goes black for about 20 seconds and than crashes, considering how much i've spent on the complete edition i'm more than disappointed, never again!
Hey, I'm sorry to hear you're facing the same issue.

The support files will help us investigate further and offer you more tailored suggestions.

Nvidia also released a hotfix recently that you may not have installed: ... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Rfeuk
My charcoal kilns grouped around a Trade union plant trees every time (just like they've been just built) after I load a save game. Please watch a video for more details (sorry for long loading and language which is locked).

Here's the save file

Please fix it!
Hey thank you for contacting us and providing us with a video!
... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm sorry to read you were facing a crashing issue, and you've not been able to contact our support.

If the crashing started after changing an in-game setting, you did the right thing by manually adjusting your configuration file.

Should the crashing issue worsen or persist, please let us know and we'll do the best we can to help.
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by fdebijl
Thank you for forwarding it to the team! I suppose I should also mention the expected behaviour: the relocation costs should include the cost of rebuilding all the wings, or alternatively not rebuild them automatically.
Understood, thank you very much

Our testing team were able to reproduce this issue too, so this will go to the dev team and we'll work on a fix!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey! Sorry to hear you're facing a black screen issue, we can discuss this.

First of all, please double check the following support article to make sure all steps have been tried:

Can you also please list your CPU & GPU? This will help us check if we're experiencing any particular issues with your hardware.
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by seongmin411

did you find solution for the problem you wrote?
please share the way of change main harbor

I've not been able to find much information about this issue, which is making it difficult to offer suggestions.

Are you perhaps able to provide a video of what happens?
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Capt_Flameheart,

I'm sorry for not seeing your response earlier!

I have now added the Aero Tycoon Challenge / Badge for you, as neither of them were showing as unlocked in my system.

There's no easy way to determine why they don't unlock, however some players have found challenges unlock more reliably after following this support article:

Originally Posted by Ommy71
Salve, ho lo ste...
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    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by FetterBruder
Hi Ubi-Orion,
thank you for the clarification. I asked for an explanatory response like yours in the ticket for two times straight without any helpful reaction.
So I guess we're backt to waiting and hoping.
Oh I see, I'm sorry you didn't receive a more informative answer.

Your support case will always be there if we need to contact you, however you also have us on the forums should you need anything.

Enjoy your day!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by BattleOverlord

Yes I have them unlocked now. Thank you for your action. I will update my case I started and I'm going to close it. Now I will try to get some more achievements and badges and it is possible it wont work as well. Maybe it is caused by my savegame, because it is rather old. It was started before the Palace and harvest dlcs - maybe it is somehow connected to that but I cant confirm it.
Thanks again.
That is a logical thought, thank you for getting back to us about this

We're alw... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by sinny1
i have reinstalled the game 3 times and uplay which is junk, i looked for any file that has anno1800 on it and removed it...still have to Verify game files. after Verifying game files i restart the computer which is the best way to do it that i found out, restart the game and play it...but only last 3 to 4 days and have to Verify game files again. why isnt there a update to fix this or at least remove uplay from the game.....
Hey, I'm sorry to hear you're having issues playing your game.

I feel as though I'm missing some context. Can you please advise what happens when you try to play the game and you face an issue?

Having to keep ve... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by fire5tar
Windows 10 64Bit 2004
G-Sync ON
GTX1080Ti on latest NV driver
Happens only when the game is paused and minimised in the background
Hey, thanks for getting in contact with us.

This issue is still under investigation, however there was a recent Nvidia hotfix that may help:

In the meantime, we're working to get this resolved.
... Read more

05 Aug

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by fdebijl
When relocating a palace, the relocation costs are capped at 1.000.000, so I was able to move the palace with my ~1m balance. However, these relocation costs don't account for the costs to rebuild the wings, so when those automatically get rebuilt when you move the palace you will instantly go bankrupt and get defeated.

Reproduction steps:
1. Build a palace with any amount of wings. This behaviour is easier to reproduce with more wings.
2. Wait for balance to reach 1.000.000, so that the palace may be relocated
3. Relocate the palace to a point that requires a relocation cost of 1.000.000.
4. The cost of rebuilding the wings will trigger a defeat...
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04 Aug

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Halwynth

I'm currently in an incredibly weird situation.

I subscribed to the 7-days free trial of Uplay+ of July 26th to try out Anno 1800. I enjoyed the game very much and decided to buy the game, therefore I bought the base game on July 30th on the Epic Store to make use of a coupon I owned on there and bought the two Season Pass on the Ubisoft Store using 100 points to get a 20% discount. If I remember correctly the purchase of the two Season Pass was of around 32€ with the discount.

So I bought the game and its DLCs but the trial version is still ongoing, I just kept playing using Uplay+ until today on August 3rd. Today, the free trial ended, because I bought the game and DLCs I assumed it automatically registered on...
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