Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

13 Feb

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @phenix451 ,

Thanks for getting back to us, would it be possible to please provide screenshots or video examples of what you're seeing in-game so we can take a look and have a better understanding of the issue?

Much appreciated!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @aw7777777 ,

Sorry for the delay, thanks for the updates and sharing this workaround!

If anyone else can confirm this workaround works, it'd be appreciated so we can make a note of it!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys!

Just an update since the team responded - yes this is working as intended.

In this instance; starting on Engineer level, the houses are connected to each other, so they always place the 'most fitting model'.

We're more than happy to pass your feedback regarding making Auto Snapping a setting onto the team @SirHarryPierce .

Thanks guys!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there guys,

Thank you for your continued updates and reports.

Thanks for sharing a clip too @bigmik1020 - we appreciate it!

This has since been reported to the team for further investigation, so we'll keep you in the loop here with any updates as and when we receive them!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @vadzier ,

I've removed the case ID from your post, as for security reasons we kindly ask players not to share these IDs on the public forums.

I have located your case though and passed your save file and clip onto the team.

If others reporting this issue can also create cases and share their saves, please let us know!

Much appreciated!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reaching out to us and reporting this @reallygrid !

So we can pass this onto the team for further investigation, would it be possible to please upload your latest save file to a hosting site and share the link here?

As this isn't something that appears to have been noted yet, we'd like to let the team know.

Much appreciated!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @ichi-nii_90 ,

Thanks for reaching out to us and keeping your thread updated, sorry to hear you're seeing such performance drops!

May we please know more about the performance while using Dx12? Such as the range you're seeing your FPS fluctuate between?

And just to confirm, have you checked that your ...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there guys!

Sorry for our delay in getting back to you here.

Thanks so much for your help @Asterix201252 , appreciate it!

Glad to see you're back up and running ...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @aorus2017 ,

Thanks for getting back to us with this update - how odd!

I'm very glad to hear you've since been able to fix the issue though!

You know where we are if there's ever anything more you need help with!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @acidello ,

Thanks for reaching out to us and reporting this!

Is the Oil Field the only thing you're having this issue with?

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks @currlyfriies - I do believe the referenced article was for Ubisoft Connect languages which I understand you can't check via Geforce Now.

This has since been passed onto the team who are looking into this but in the meantime, have you contacted ...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you very much for getting back to us @guille2321 !

I've passed your clip and save onto the team so they can take a closer look into this.

Should we need any more information, we'll let you know here.

Thank you!

12 Feb

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @mate-kertai,

Could you please try manually setting the resolution in the game's config file and let us know if the issue still persits?

You can locate the Anno 1800 configuration file by going to; Documents\ Anno 1800\ config - there will be a file title 'engine.ini'.

Open this file and scroll down to the section titled "Window".

There you can manually set the resolution and save the file.

Please let us know if this helps at all!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @ordini ,

Thank you for taking the time to share this here!

@FxCkYeaH - are you able to replicate these steps to see if this resolve the issue or also ...

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @scalion-0 ,

Thanks for reaching out with this, sorry for our delayed response!

Are you able to share any screenshots showing your current available cement?

And have you tried verifying the game's files to ensure nothing file related is causing the quest to misbehave?

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @mcetnar ,

Thanks for reaching out to us and reporting this, I'm sorry for our delay in getting back to you!

Just to check in - are you still having this issue?

And is there any change after verifying the game's files?

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @aradanwen ,

Thanks for reaching out, sorry for our delay in getting back to you!

So just to clarify - you are able to earn achievements and are being notified in-game, however you can't use the portraits in-game?

The issue regarding portraits is being looked into by the team with hopes to resolve it in a future update.

But we have nothing noting issues with achievements themselves.

If you have achievements showing as locked in Ubisoft Connect, could you please share screenshots of these?

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there @cogdziejak2 ,

Thanks for reaching out, I'm sorry for our delayed response!

If you're still having issues, could you please try verifying the game's files? This will ensure no files are corrupted or missing.

If there's still no change, could you please capture and share a clip of the issue so we can take a closer look?

Thank you!

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @pmutzu,

Thanks for reaching out and reporting this, sorry for the delay!

I've passed this onto the team so they can take a closer look into this.

We'll let you know if the team need any more information!

Thank you!

11 Feb

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey BenBezig,

sorry to hear you're facing issues with Anno 1800.
However, neither is the Ubisoft Support able to access your PC nor are they able to "mess" with your game. This is simply not technically possible.

You might have accidentally clicked on something on your PC during the chat.
In the game, thanks to the Research Institute from the "Land of Lions" DLC you can manually change the ore of mines (e.g. iron ore to coal). You can also determine where your ships are entering a session when setting up a trade route to e.g. avoid them going right past a pirate hideout.