Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

10 May

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys, thanks for reaching out!

We did indeed have a temporary degradation however this has been resolved since and servers are working as intended.

For more information on how to start Anno 1800 in offline mode, click the following article.

Should you have any further questions, let us know!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys!

Just as Ubi-Milky suggested, we've been experiencing technical difficulties on the server-side and there has been a temporary degradation, however this has been resolved since and servers are working as intended, therefore if issue persists, let us know and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone, thank you for posting about this issue, I can confirm we are still investigating an issue with degradation on the server that could be causing synchronization issues with achievements and also connectivity. We are monitoring the situation and will update you when we can confirm this is fully resolved, thank you for your patience.

Please check our support banner for any further updates -
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello gierszon, thanks for posting. Occasionally it can take up to 48 hours for a purchase on Ubisoft Connect to appear in your library.

When did you make this purchase and for what DLC so we can check this for you please? Do you have access to The Sunken Treasures DLC, the Botanica DLC or The Passage DLC or none at all?
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for posting the link you found HexForger.

We are currently investigating an issue affecting our online services which can cause issues with connecting to our Anno 1800 servers.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will do our best to update you when this issue has been resolved. In the meantime, please keep checking this banner for any updates, thank you -
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there!

Just as Ubi-Milky suggested, we've been experiencing temporary degradation however this has been resolved since and servers are running as intended, therefore if anyone is still experiencing problems, let us know and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@spirantcrayon22 We are not aware of any issues with Jomsviking's not appearing in the game.

As this is related to the online connection could you please go through the connectivity troubleshooting then try aga...

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09 May

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello TactiCol2011, I am sorry to hear this, thank you for bringing this to our attention.

What quests do you currently have saved in your log that are in progress? Or if no quests are visible at all, which was the last quest you can remember completing?

Could you also tell us which game update version you are currently playing and which DLCs you have installed please?

Before I ask you for your save file, you may find verifying the games installation files, could resolve this issue with the quest book.

Here are some instructions on how to do this in Ubisoft Connect -

Here... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Marindos91, thanks for posting, I have moved your post to its own thread as I do not believe it is related to the FPS issue where you posted originally.

I am sorry you were unable to make a support ticket with us, have you tried our UK support website here, usually the 'Submit My Case' button should appear, alongside a text box where you can explain your issue and a button to attach save files and system files as needed -

For the various crashes and hangs you have experienced, I would suggest following each one of these steps that you h... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello finacoles2 thank you for also posting about this issue you have experienced.

For these crashes, as Ubi-Orion asked could you all please try every step in this article here to help resolve these crashes, as this support article contains the most common fixes for crashing in our games -

If you are still experiencing these crashes after following all the steps in this article, we will need to gather everyone's system files to do a deeper investigation and to see if we notice any patterns such as windows versions, driver versions etc

Please visit our website here - ... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Apparentape
I just recently fount out about this bug and I found some comments from 2019 that mentioned the bug I just want to ask is there on going fix or the dev just left and never to fix it. I would like to see this bug fix. I recently bought the game and I am enjoying anno.
Hello there Apparentape,

Welcome to the Forums and thank you for reaching out about this!

... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello SirHarryPierce, thank you for those images and for your observations, we will forward this to our Anno team to check if they are aware of these affected buildings and heavy industries too, thanks again for the help as always.

I can confirm that the issues reported previously were noted as only visually incorrect in menus and reports, but they should continue to function as expected/intended correctly, in the background.
    UbiKobold on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@bryceg2009 Sorry for my delay, but thank you for letting me know that you have been affected by this as well! What platform are you playing on? Also, if you revert to an earlier save are you able to see the runes?

    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, just a quick update.

We are currently investigating an issue affecting our online services for the game.

Problems with connecting to the servers, high latency and disconnections may occur while the degradation is ongoing.

Our teams are actively working on resolving the issue.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will do our best to update you when this issue has been resolved, thank you
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello SirHarryPierce! Thank you for trying those steps by Ubi-Orion and thank you for the video.

I am sorry to see this crash persists when sorting through larger populations and residents. I will open an investigation into this now.

thank you for providing us with your case number, we will do our best to update you when we hear back from QA regarding this issue.
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, thank you for bringing this issue to our attention again, after some of you have contacted us about this in the last 4 weeks.

We previously have had investigations opened into different DirectX error messages, to help us identify which issue it is, that everyone is experiencing specifically, could you please answer the following questions if affected by this currently -

1. When did you notice these crashes happen to you in game, most recently?

2. Are you playing a multiplayer or previous multiplayer save file?

3.Which version of DirectX are you using, have you tested both and which version suffers the most crashes?

4. What are you doing in the game when it crashes?

5.What is the exact message that appears for you? A screenshot would also be helpful.

If you can help us answer these questions, we can narrow down which DirectX issue this issue appe... Read more
    Ubi-Milky on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello a55p2, thank you for getting back to us, I appreciate that extra information, we will keep investigating to see if this will improve for most of our players in a future patch, at the moment the Anno team are aware of this issue but we have no further updates or resolutions at this time.

For anyone else experiencing FPS frops since a recent update, we would like to know the following -

- What driver update are you using?
- When did you first notice this affect your FPS?

Please also create a new support case here - Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
select it with the move tool, then middle mouse button.
Thanks for your help SirHarryPierce!

08 May

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by SirHarryPierce
When building a double road, crossing a Railroad or a Canal in Enbesa and then deleting one road piece, results in a broken railroad or canal.

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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by manoflife92
So i reinstalled Anno1800 after a few months of break, and bought the Season 3 pass. When i started a new Campaing, i noticed that the shadows were SO DARK. i could play the game like usual, but it looks like someone Poured Darkness on the beaches, buildings, people and mountains.

i dont know what to do, is this something with the Options, or what?
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