Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

16 Mar

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Let us know if the mystery completes successfully for you when you get home, @XOli360! If you run into any trouble, please don't hesitate to update this thread so we can investigate further 🙂

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there!

@Dcgdavies - It sounds like "The Poor Fellow-Soldier" isn't triggering for you because Hordafylke isn't registering as completed. As this is a slightly different issue, would you be able to make a new thread so we can investigate this separately? Please feel free to tag me in the new thread (using the "@" prompt) and we can take a closer look at why your pledge to Hordafylke hasn't been completed.


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    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by gweber3075
I think it was a combo. I quit out of the game last night and it was as above but tonight it is working right. I think I had goods at too low levels. Thanks though!
Hey gweber3075,

Thank you for the update!

Glad to hear it's working as it should be

If there's anything else we can help with at all, please let us know!
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Darkbirt
A problem that occurs sometimes that a ship equipped with a white flag is suddenly attacked on a trade route. But in peace mode (white flag equipped) it should be impossible.
It only happened with a clipper and the recent new ship.
On the moment I solve it by removing the flag and then equip it again. But this is annoying (Margaret Hunt is annoying anyway, and worsen it.)
And please I depend on those flags, because Miss Margaret Hunt has 2/3 of all the maps occupied in my current game.
Hey Darkbirt,

Thank you for reaching out and reporting this!

It doesn't appear to be something that has yet been brought to the te... Read more
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by danielstorgaard
Since i installed the latest spice-it-up 3.0.2 all voice-sound has disappered. The background music is still there, but no dialouge at all......any suggestions ?
Hey danielstorgaard,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Does this still occur when your mods are disabled?

As we don't directly support the modding of our titles, if you're able to confirm if this happens without the mods in-use, we can start to look into this further

Thank you!

15 Mar

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the additional reports folks This issue is still under ongoing investigation, we're glad to hear performance is somewhat improved but it sounds as though the issues are not entirely resolved.
    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you with providing me with additional information about "Silver Wind Elder," @Roltel. The information about the lynx is particularly helpful, as I know some of the aggressive animals in-game can go a rogue and attack non-violent NPCs. I've passed your responses to the development team to see if this can help with the ongoing investigation.

If anyone else has been unable to proceed with "Silver Wind Elder" due to the pie thief being dead, please can you provide the following information:

  • If possible, are you able to try loading a save prior...
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14 Mar

    UbiExcellent on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
SirHarryPierce: Thanks for letting us know this is fixed, though I'm sorry to see you've encountered another error. Does this overlay issue happen consistently, or only after certain in-game actions are completed?

12 Mar

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
You can find the Release Notes for Game Update 10.1 (released on March 10th) here
    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there!

I apologise for the delayed update. The development team has reached out and would like some more information to assist with the investigation.

If you have been unable to proceed in "Silver Wind Elder" due to the pie thief being dead, please can you provide us with the following information:

  • If possible, are you able to try loading a save prior to starting this mystery yet to see if you can proceed as normal?
  • Were there any enemies in Jorvik prior to starting this mystery?

@Roltel - Would you be a...

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    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

You're welcome, @Steak_59 😄 I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the game as well!

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out!

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the update, @Steak_59! I'm glad to hear that you've been able to proceed through the mystery! I've checked in with the development team, and it looks like ...

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11 Mar

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there!

Thanks for taking the time to report this. I'm sorry to hear that you've had some trouble completing "Noble Hearts."

Would you be able to send us a video that shows you're in the correct starting location for the mystery, but that the stag isn't in the surrounding area? You can use Odin's Sight to help check this, as the stag would be highlighted in blue.

Thanks! 😊

10 Mar

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by petercochrane
Tonight I reloaded my game and discovered I have lost many hours of late stage game play. I looked in save folder and I can see the last 'good' save with 15,000kb file size, then later I can see the file name of my actual game progress but it has only 1kb listed. Any ideas?
Hey there

I'm sorry to hear you've encountered this.

Is the save file not detected at all when you try to load the save or is it being detected as corrupted?
    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by HeniasMacias
I saw your post, and it made me worry more, because there is no answer from support. To contact with ubisoft support it is not easy(ubisoft connect doesn't let you send mail). I tried with GeForce Now support (as am currently playing through their platform) and they said"that i should contact with ubisoft because saves are in their cloud. Don't understand.;((
Hi there.

Has the save vanished entirely or is it available to load but appears as corrupt?
    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there.

Unfortunately the link doesn't appear to have worked. Could you try posting a link to the image instead as well as a description of the issue you're experiencing? Thanks.
    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by gweber3075
Sadly, no. I was hoping there was a simple, logical explanation involving player error as that is easy to fix. The stock is not full and there are no warning signs. Everything looks OK but then he comes and apparently no goods get traded as it never goes above 77 (now it is at 77, happened last night after I posted).
Hey there.

So we can determine whether this is a bug or working as intended if possible could you provide us with a video demonstrating this please?
    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for your additional reports folks. This issue should be addressed with an upcoming patch.

09 Mar

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Atria1234
When some good export volume gets to the next level it doesn't get updated.

Pearls exported 8809/7000 but still shows as Epic:

But I can put it in Legendary slot, it gets updated to Legendary but is locked and I can't remove it:
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    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@kennyannydenny Thanks for your feedback regarding these spelling errors. I will forward these onto the dev team.