Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

23 Mar

    Ubi-Keo on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@guest-ydsbth02 Thanks for the information. Could you also provide a video that shows what was requested in the post above.

We can then forward this onto the development team to investigate.

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there @guest-YdsbtH02!

Thanks for taking the time to report this. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble following Stowe. To help us to take a closer look, would you be able to provide us with a video that shows the following:

  • Your current quest log
  • Your completed quest log
  • That Stowe is stuck in St. Paul's Cathedral and cannot be followed.

Could you also let us know the steps you took prior to finding Stowe? Had you been able to follow him at all before he became stuck, or did you find him in t...

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22 Mar

    UbiCosmos on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello him_1537,

Welcome to the forums! Thanks for reaching out! P0PPYTAT is correct, and offers a great suggestion as well to create a duplicate save and use that dupe save to enjoy your city and then exit.

You may also be able to try and end the game via task manager. I am not sure if that would cause a "crash" or not and force it to not save.

21 Mar

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey hodurgas, thanks for getting in touch and welcome to forums!

I've looked it up however it does not appear that this particular issue has been brought up before, therefore is there any possibility you could provide us with video footage (or screenshot if not possible) showing this?

I am curious as to what in particular may have caused this and how we could possibly reproduce this issue.

Did you ever experience anything similar before or was that a first instance?

Let us know!
    UbiKobold on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there everyone. I would like to start by sincerely apologizing for the time taken to get back to this thread. However, thank you all for your continued updates as these are greatly appreciated! I am sorry to see that many of you are still experiencing this issue, and I understand the frustration. The Game team has been investigating this. I have a few questions for each of you and I am sorry if any of them mention repetitive information that you may have previously provided. However, please answer each question. I'll then forward up everyone's information to help with the investigation.

  • What platform are you playing on? If Xbox or PlayStation, please provide the specific console (ex: Xbox Series X or PlayStation 4)
  • Are you utilizing ...
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    UbiKobold on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks everyone for your responses! My apologies for the delay. After the update 1.2.0, are you still unable to access your cloud saves from PS4 to PS5? You may need to go back and try re-sending the save files from PS4 before loading them on your PS5. If you are still unable to access them, let me know if you are missing the cloud save icon on your PS4 saves. Thank you again for all of your assistance with this issue!

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey SirHarryPierce!

Thanks for getting back to us and apologies about the delayed response from our team.

I've watched video footage you've provided and can see exactly what you're referring to, therefore I can confirm that this has now been also forwarded to our development team for further review.

Although not necessary, however is there any possibility you could give me the exact timestamps for overlay not appearing in your second video?

In the meantime - as always, we do very much appreciate your... Read more

19 Mar

    UbiCosmos on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Omoxionuk,

Thank you for reporting this to us! I am moving your thread to our Support Forums, so that our Support Team can look into this further.

You can also reach out directly to our Support Team Here.
    UbiExcellent on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, folks! Would any of you be able to grab a short video clip that shows the weather is always rainy upon loading into the game please? If any of you can also confirm if this differs between England and Norway, that would be great!

18 Mar

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by tsuweng
i have experienced this too, this happens when you load a saved game that your beach structure blocked the ship's path, try to delete some of your building on the seashore, and then it should come back to normal.
Hey tsuweng, thanks for sharing this and hopefully other players will find this useful!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by tsuweng
try to delete some existing coastal building, it may be some existing building that blocked the ship path, in this case, you won't be able to build anything new...
Hey tsuweng, thanks for sharing this with everyone and I do hope other players will find this workaround useful!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Jamin-Josh, thanks for getting in touch!

I've had a look at your account and I see what you're referring to.

You have a Standard Edition of the game, which just as chris02918 suggested, does not include any DLC's at all. I can also see that you previously had subscription on your account and that will give you access to Complete Edition of the game, which gives you access to different content (click here to find out more).

If you wish to purchase any additional content for the game, you can search for it either in Ubisoft Conne... Read more
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by wezu21
Hi all,

I checked both ways suggested by @Erunanion unfortunately without positive results.

Going Ubisoft way: Windows found some corrupted files and repaired thous but it didn't bring any improvement

Going offline way; Mayby at the begining of game performance was a litle better but it could be only concidence.

In both cases after about two hour of plaing this long lags ( during opening transfer window ship-magazine, expedition window, and randomly in tha game) is raise significantly making the game ultra annoying or even unplayable.

My settings
-graphic settings between middle and high (anti aliasing off)
gtx 960 4GB RAM
8GB Memory
intel i5 4460...
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    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by phuzzeenuts
I've tried both reinstalling DirectX as well as clearing the shader cache but to no avail sadly.

Edit: If it helps, I get the Present Failed error.
Hey phuzzeenuts, thanks for getting in touch and I am sorry to hear about the issue you've been dealing with.

Taking into account that you've already tried reinstalling your DirectX, I would just like to also ask you to try the following, as this issue has been identified with DirectX12 in particular:

- To run the game on DirectX11 you just have to delete the config file - you can find that in " %userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\config\engine.ini ". Alternatively, you can... Read more

17 Mar

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @Dcgdavies! I'm unable to view the screenshots you're referring to. Have you attached these to a support ticket? If so, would you be able to let me know the ticket number so we can take a closer look?

If you're trying to share them in the forums, it looks like they haven't shared correctly. Would you be able to try uploading them again? You may find that sharing them as links may be easier, as I know the forums can be picky with image resolution.

Thanks! 😊...

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    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there @b4st0un3!

Thanks for taking the time to tag me in this thread. I apologise for the delayed update. I understand that you're unable to interact with Bishop Deorlaf in "War Weary," as the cutscene doesn't trigger.

I can see that ...

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16 Mar

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Dmifflin206
my game started to build all coastal buildings facing inland only. HELP
Hey Dmifflin206,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

Is this still happening?

If so, as already suggested above, can you please confirm if you're using any modding software?

If so, please try disabling it and checking if the issue persists, if so, please let us know so we can take a closer look

Thank you!
    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Apologies for the confusion, @Dcgdavies. In that case, could you please send us a video that shows you have completed "A Brother's Keeper" and "Reporting on Hamtunscire," but that Hordafylke remains as pledged on your alliance map?

Thanks! 🙂

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks so much, @Madeezy! I've passed along both of your videos, as well as the rest of the information you've shared with me, to the development team so they can take a closer look.


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    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for that video, @Madeezy! I've split both your report and @Dcgdavies's into a separate thread, as it looks like your Hordafylke pledge be...

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