Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

23 Feb

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there @Lukinator75! Welcome to the forums 🙂

Thanks for taking the time to report this. Just to check, are you referring to your main long ship or your river raid long ship?

If possible, could you send us a video that shows the issue you're encountering? We can then pass this along for further investigation.

Thanks! 😊...

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22 Feb

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by S_Kleer
Hello! And yes, this seems to be my third topic about this error.

When a factory explosion occurs, the pop-up message contains incorrect text. Usually there is text from the previous message. For example, that the game is saved or a holiday is taking place somewhere or something else. But at the same time, the icon is correct, as well as the voice correctly notifies about the explosion. By clicking on this message, I am transported to the place of the explosion. In the event log, the text already looks fine.

I finally managed to capture this bug step by step.

First time I got message about exposion. In the text of this message, the attractiveness of one of the cities has decreased.

When I clicked on the messa...
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    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Szynja
Game runs smooth. But as soon, as I scroll to this location (see picture) I get massive performance drops. They stay until I go out of that area and pause + unpause. It doesn't matter if zoomed in or not zoomed in. Also, I can scroll smoothly when having that performance drop. But time is running at very slowly (about half pace of normal speed) and the animations don't go well.


Thank you for your report, we will do our best to look into this!

I'd like to ask some questions -

- How long have you been facing this issue?
... Read more

21 Feb

    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone

I also added to the forum thread mentioned by chriso2918 above let's try to keep all future discussions in that one place.

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

I agree this sounds like a bug; my understanding is that denying your Ally will damage your reputation with them.

@soowa87 would it be possible to provide a short video presenting the issue, and also your save file? This support article explains where your save file can be found. I can then send that to our team for review.

@PoPPYTAT There's not I'm afraid! I'll submit this as a suggestion though
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm sorry to read you're facing this issue, we will do our best to help.

Regarding FPS - We have seen an increase of reports around low FPS / stuttering recently, and our devs are looking into it!

Moving to your main issue -

- After the defeat happens and you re-load your save, does the Defeat always seem to re-occur after the same amount of time?
- Would it be possible to provide a video of the defeat? Maybe we can find a clue to the cause, and we can send it to our devs.

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by S_Kleer
Hi devs! I noticed some untranslated words. Also after update 9.3 "Scholars" not translated as "Ученые"

Not translated "Trade Unions"
Spoiler:  Show

Something weird.
Spoiler:  Show

Not translated "Scholars"
Spoiler:  Show ...
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    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Cajunattack
Potentially game breaking bug for me- many of my trade route ships won't visit Crown Falls. Everything looks fine in the Trade Route map, but in the game world one the grey lines shipping that should point to Crown Falls go to random points of the map, where the ships wait indefinitely. This includes tankers and airships.

I've tried: reinstalling and updating the game, deleting and remaking trade routes, moving and rebuilding piers. Gone back through many early saves (where I'm pretty sure the bug previously wasn't present) and find that the bug starts again.

Obviously a frustrating bug after 160hrs on this session...!
Hey!... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by John_Wick_RRF
Dear Supoort or anybody.

I bought this game last friday. But not enabled to download and install this game in pc. How fix is ti? I never have answer my question support Ubisoft. I hope good news.


I reviewed your account and I can see you've been playing the game, so everything appears to be fine.

@chris02918 Thanks for your help
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Anno 1800 is relatively intensive on PC hardware; RAM especially once you have a very large civilisation.

In my experience 4K Ultra High @ 120 FPS is often not achievable for some resource-heavy games, even with the best hardware available today. This is why enthusiasts upgrade their hardware with every release, because otherwise they won't be able to keep up with the next game's requirements.

It's not achievable just yet I'm afraid! We'll just have the see what the future holds
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

I'm sorry to read you're all suddenly facing crashes. We did not experience this issue in a testing environment, so it's difficult to say why this is affecting you.

I would recommend first following this support article:

Re-installing Ubisoft Connect is an important step to try, as I know it's caused a crashing issue with Anno 1800 before.

Should the issue persist, please contact our support directly -

Email Support / Live Chat: ... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

As chriso2918 mentioned, this issue should hopefully be resolved now.

If the issue persists - You have already tried our main troubleshooting steps, so it would be best to then contact us directly. Here you go -

Email Support / Live Chat:

Facebook: ... Read more
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

I tested this on my PC however Anno 1800 still seems to keep the logo.

- Do you have Ubisoft Connect & the game installed on the same drive?
- Are they installed on the default C:\ drive, or another drive?

Try verifying game files, just in case the image is being lost:

My main thought is that this could be a permissions issue. Maybe UC & Anno are installed in a location with less permissions.

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

If we are talking about the Ubisoft Connect Achievements, I'm not aware of any way to reset these I'm afraid. Your Achievements progression is stored server-side and that is not something Ubisoft Support is able to manually edit / delete.

For that reason, I don't believe there is anything we can do to reset that for you.

All the best!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello Thorsten!

I've tried looking into this for you however it doesn't appear to be a known issue.

We will certainly investigate. Would it be possible to provide a short video, presenting what happens?

Thank you!
    Ubi-Raziel on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone,

Thank you for your continuous reports, we are sending all details to our production team, to help with their investigation.

@karyonite I appreciate you taking the time to send us a video, and also your save file. I have added those to the investigation too.

We'll let you know once we learn more, or if we have any questions!

20 Feb

    UbiCosmos on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello YmirWork,

Welcome to the forums! Unfortunately I am not sure this is possible. I am going to move your thread to our Support forums for further assistance.

You can also reach out directly to our Support Team Here.

19 Feb

    Ubi-Wan on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@dect420 Apologies for the late response here! You can feel free to place the video here in this thread! @axlslak23 - Our team would like some more information, as well as more e...

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    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there @NeOVoltron!

Thanks for reporting this! The development team have been made aware of this issue and they're currently investigating further.

For more information on future updates, please keep an eye out within our News & Anno...

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    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @chrisbaker1972!

Thanks for the update! I'm sorry to hear that this workaround hasn't been successful for you. I'll pass this information on.

I can see that the development team are still looking into this issue further. At this moment in time, I have no further information to share on the status of the investigation. I'd recommend keeping an eye out within our ...

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