Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

18 Feb

    Ubi-Woofer on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all!

I just wanted to poke this thread as the developers got back to us after having been unable to reproduce this particular issue with "A Cordial Invitation". They would like to collect the affected save files of any players on PC or PS4 for further investigation, as well as ask that you all check whether the NPC has wandered away in the nearby vicinity, as this is possible if they are scared / intimidated.

If you're still unable to find the NPC after searching the nearby area, please let us know, and provide us with the case reference number for your ...

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    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your videos/images, @Miss-Mysterious and @ChuckKatse. The development team has been made aware of this issue, and they've be...

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17 Feb

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there @Miss-Mysterious! Welcome to the forums 🙂

I'm sorry to hear you're encountering issues with your ship shield skins. Would you be able to send us a video that showcases this happening in-game? We can then pass this along the the game team for a closer look.

Thanks! 😊...

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16 Feb

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, for the issue of the ornaments being locked in-game:
Could you please try verifying the game files ( followed by a restart of Ubisoft Connect.

This should unlock the ornaments in-game.

15 Feb

    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello there!

I'm sorry to hear that you're unable to proceed with the "Edmund's Arrows" mystery. The development team has been made aware of this issue, and they would like to collect some more information as part of the investigation. If you're encountering this issue in-game, would you be able to provide us with the following:

  • If you play on PC/PS4, we would like to collect your save file to add to the report. Please can you open a support ticket and ...
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    Ubi-Borealis on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

I'm glad to hear that this workaround helped you out, @anjuicy_! Thanks for sharing 😊

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
You can find the Release Notes for Game Update 9.2 here and can click here for Game Update 9.3
    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey all, sorry for the current performance issues with Anno 1800.

Our team is currently investigating this issue and we'll let you know when we have news.

14 Feb

    UbiExcellent on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@divinetuna187 Hey there! I can definitely take a closer look at if you're no longer receiving additional XP and silver. To start, please post a YouTube video link here which depicts the amount of XP and silver you're currently obtaining for various actions.

12 Feb

    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by M4RT1NNN
Hello dear people of the forum :-)

I hope this is the right way to report a bug in Anno 1800.

Yesterday I tried the co-op mode of Anno 1800 with a good friend. Our game ran stably the whole time (3 hours), as you know it from the single player mode.

Unfortunately there was a fundamental bug: For me and my friend, the statements of the neutral players were displayed at the same time, but for him and me the tone of these statements was permanently absent. In the sound settings, all controls are set to 100%. That can not be it.

The sound statements that ships were being attacked were also permanently absent. The graphic display that ships or quests had been completed was always there. However, it is very cumber...
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11 Feb

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone!

As it stands, I can confirm that this issue has been passed along to our Store team who are looking at getting this resolved as soon as possible.

We do apologise about the inconvenience this may be causing and make sure you check the final price before proceeding with check-out.
    Ubi-TheBerry on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by zippah_dk
I wasnt sure about their picture upload policy
and didnt care that much i was only unsure if its was me or others too, doubt ill get this discount

Hey zippah_dk,

Thank you for that image!

Would it also be possible see what you get when you're directed to the Store and is this then the same at checkout?

And do you get the same issue when looking at

Thank you!
    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey CrysKey,

since Uplay was updated to Ubisoft Connect last year, you're not earning Units anymore through challenges but through leveling-up.
This is not specific to Anno but is the case for all Ubisoft titles.

You can find more information here:
    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey all, the team is currently investigating this issue.

Could you please let us know if the issue only appears when you're actively doing something (e.g. clicking) or even if the game is just running on its own without you doing anything? Thank you!
    UbiKobold on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone! I am very sorry for the late response, but I appreciate everyone's patience in the meantime. We are currently investigating this issue of not being able to access your cloud saves on PS5. I sincerely apologize for any trouble that this has caused. Just in case, please check out our site here. If you are still unable to proceed, please provide your answers to the following questions.

  • Do you see the cloud save icon on your PS4 saves?
  • Have you ever played offline?
  • Do you have different PS4/PS5 PSN accounts?
  • If you launch the PS4 version of the game on the PS5, do you have your progress?
  • Can you launch the Connect overlay or the Animus Store? Do you get...
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10 Feb

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by dangerbass1
2021 and this problem still persists ? XD im having this issue :X
Hey dangerbass1!

Thanks for getting in touch and I am sorry to hear about this.

First and foremost, when you get a chance, try completing steps outlined in the following article and see if issue persists.

If it does however, would it be possible for you to submit your DxDiag file? To do so,... Read more
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Dragsal!

Thanks for reaching out to us.

I've just looked it up and tested to see whether there are any issues however it all seem to be working as intended.

When you click the 'Update' button, you will need to select 'Anno 1800' which will then result in new window popping up where it will proceed.

Should you run into any issues, let us know!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Hier0nimus
One thing that helped for me was making sure my GFX card was not getting to hot.
I have a RX 5700 XT and the temps were getting really high when playing Anno. It just crashed...
I adjusted the airflow and speed of the fans based on the temperature and the crashes stopped.
Thanks for sharing this with everyone Hieronimus and hopefully PutoBote as well as other players who may experience the problem will find this useful!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey SpaceBullett,

Thanks for reaching out and bringing this to our attention.

It does not look like this issue has been brought up before, therefore before we can proceed any further, I would like you to provide us with a little bit more information:

1. You've stated that this is the second time you've experiencing this - I take it that obviously issue does not occur each and every time however have you managed to possibly identify anything in particular that may trigger this to occur?
2. Do you think you could possibly provide us with video footage of this? If not, could you provide us with screenshots and reproduction steps for the issue?

Let us know and we will take it from there!
    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Yves_87!

Thanks for getting in touch and I am sorry to hear about the issue you're having.

I've looked it up however it does not appear that this has been brought up to our game team before, therefore so that we could look into the matter further, would it be possible for you to provide us with video footage showing the issue by any chance?

If not, screenshots with exact steps you take to reproduce the issue would be very useful too.

Let us know!