Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

28 Mar

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Glad we were able to help answer this for you and thanks for your kind words about the series! Cheers!

    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for returning to the thread and clarifying that for us.

If you have disabled all notifications except these two options you've specified then the ones you're seeing likely cannot be turned off through any in-game method and this is currently working as intended. I will certainly pass your feedback on to the team that these particular notifications are distracting/annoying for you and you'd like an option to turn everything off except the most essential messages.


    Ubi-Orion on Support Forums - Thread - Direct


That is completely understandable that you're hesitant to try and replicate the issue, best of luck with the record! I sincerely hope this doesn't return but if it does please let us know


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24 Mar

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Going forward, if a future GU is going to affect fertilities like this, would it be possible to mention it in the Release Notes?

Will keep that in mind, yeah. Generally speaking, any time the fertilities are touched by an update in some way, there'll be change - as Ubi-Karl mentioned above.
In most cases, I would assume players won't notice as long as they aren't in such a specific situation as you 😉

    ubi-smash on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hiya @ineedtoplay! When pressing the middle mouse button of your new mouse versus your old mouse, are you unable to tilt and swivel the movement of your camera? Are you able to test your old mouse in the game? If so, can you tilt the camera or run into the same results? Lastly, what is the make and model of your new mouse?

23 Mar

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Humility925, thanks for getting through to us and sorry to hear about the difficulty you ran into with locating the target ship for 'Bespoke Tailor 1 - The Tailor' quest.

I can see that you've already provided some solid information about it including screenshots, therefore this will be extremely beneficial, however just before we're able to forward it over, for reproduction purposes, may I also ask you to provide us with your save file where the issue is present? By default, your save files should be located in %userprofile%\Documents\Anno 1800\accounts....

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    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @SirHarryPierce, thanks for sending this over to us!

I've had a look and can see that this has been in fact brought up before, therefore I have added all of the information you've provided to our development team accordingly.

Should we require any additional information for reproduction purposes, we may update the thread as we go.

Until then, apologies about any inconvenience this may cause and if you do have any further queries or run into any other difficulties, feel free to reach out at any time!

    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Asterix201252, thanks for your detailed response!

I do understand where you're coming from, however it would be a little tricky to go into detail about this by outlining the reasons behind certain decisions or establish a little more direct way of communication, however to try and answer what you've asked, each time a new fertility set is added/removed, the random shuffling will change by design and is something that will occur when entering the new session for the first time, however if that happens after a GU changes the data, new things will be chosen.

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    Ubi-Karl on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @MrNFOX, thanks for getting through to us and sharing details regarding trading issue you ran into with Captain Tobias.

I've had a closer look, however based on the description you've provided, it does not appear that we've had any similar reports being brought up, therefore may I double-check the following with you, if possible:

  1. Did this occur on a single instance or are you able to replicate/reproduce the issue again?
  2. If you do have reoccurring instances of this, is there any chance you could record video footage showing this?
  3. Should this be something you are able to reproduce, is there any possibility you could share your save file with us (by default tends to be located in %userprofile%\Documents\Anno...
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22 Mar

    Ubi-Akatsirin on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @aw7777777

Thank you for this information, the most important is that the issue is now resolved.

If it happens again, don't hesitate to let us know

20 Mar

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@yecats131 Hey! Thank you for your reply. Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue.

I have requested an update on the investigation into this, once we hear back we will reply.

Thank you.

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@sirharrypierce Apologies for the annoyance caused by this. Once there is an update on this issue we will reach back out.

Thank you.

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@sirharrypierce Thank you for the image. At the moment this is still under investigation and we are awaiting an update.

Once we hear back we will reach out.

Thank you.

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@sauer5688 Hey! Sorry to hear that the game is crashing since you installed the High Life DLC.

In order to troubleshoot this please try the steps here.

Should the issue continue after this please let us know.

Thank you.

We are also aware of an issue where some posts from other forums are being posted in the incorrect section.

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@la_chouffe Hey! Thank you for getting in touch about item traits not appearing.

This issue was indeed reported to us through that post and is actively under investigation. At the moment there is no updates to share on this issue.

Apologies for the delay but once more information becomes available it will be posted on the forums.

Thank you.

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@goblining Hey! Can we confirm are you still having connectivity issues?

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@asterix201252 Thank you for your reply. We have had an update from the game team that this seed behavior is working as intended. Your feedback has been passed on already about this.

If you need anything else please let us know.

Thank you.

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@neil_gamerx Hey! Thank you for getting in touch about portraits not unlocking. This is a known issue and is currently under investigation by the development team.

I am afraid at this time we do not have further news to share.

Once an update is made available it will be communicated on the forums.

Thank you.

    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@yecats131 @JWoody907 Thank you both for your reply. @vtwelver mentioned above that starting the game in offline load prevente...

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    Ubi-Viral on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@sirharrypierce Hi! Thank you for reaching out and letting us know about some things missing on the Trello board.

Although we are unable to directly add things to this board as that is managed by the dev team I can however check each thing you have reported and let you know if they are a known issue or need reporting:

  • Copy/Paste tool occasionally having no sound on build - This was a known issue that was believed to have been fixed with the Land of Lions update. Are you able to provide a video showing the loss of sound?

  • C...
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