Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

18 Jan

    Ubi-SpaceCats on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@sjeggy Hey there, can you please attempt to upload your screenshot again?

    Ubi-Thorlof on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey buruzi,
thank you for reporting this issue. The problem is currently under investigation.
When there's a fix in a future Game Update, you will find the information in the Release Notes.

Thank you,

//moving the thread to Player Support

15 Jan

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @aw7777777,

Thank you for further clarifying on the response you shared earlier.

As the answer needed has now been shared I will now close this thread to ensure that this useful information remains easily available to help others in the future.

Many thanks once again

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @ksl28,

Thank you for your update,

I am afraid currently I have no update, however when we do have an update you would expect to see it in our announcement section.

In the mean time if there is anything else we can help with just let us know


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    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey guys,

Thank you for your additional feedback!

I have reached out to the game team to enquire whether it is at all possible to extend time limits.

In the mean time if there is anything else we can help with just let us know as we are more than happy to help

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @fredeboy,

Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the Lady Margaret Hunt Quest.

So that we can see exactly what you are seeing would it be at all possible to share with us a video using a link from a 3rd party video sharing website?

Many thanks,

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @cytec_115,

Thank you for taking the time to clarify that you weren't able to build the research institute.

To get an accurate answer for you I have reached out to the game team, I must advise that we do advise against the use of mods as this can result in the game behaving in unexpected ways which could contribute to this.

Many thanks,

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @fhackner,

Thank you for taking your time out to share your knowledge and experience to help jouriZN sustain 70% Schnapps for more than 1 minute.

The tips and advice you provided are great and will greatly help with this.

Many thanks

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hexforger,

Thank you for taking the time to update us on your plan of action.

If you continue to have any trouble just let us know

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundread1800,

Thank you for sharing these screenshots showing where you have looked for this updated information.

I have reached out to the game team for clarification and will provide an update once we have further info.

In the mean time if there is anything else we can help with just let us know.

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Cr34Tor0fGODs and dongchun,

Thank you for confirming this additional information, sorry to hear that verifying your files did not help.

The saves that you encountered this issue on, can I just check when it was that you started this save? This information will greatly help us in investigating.

Many thanks

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundread1800,

Thank you for sharing this to help SmokedRWA.

Although we advise against using mods as we are unable to provide support for modded content it is great to hear this has helped you.

Many thanks,

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @sirharrypierce,

Thank you for taking your time out to share with us a video of this happening.

I have now shared this with the team to help the investigation.

In the mean time if we can help with anything else just let us know as we are happy to help.

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @hundread1800,

Thank you for clarifying between the screenshots.

This has now been forwarded to the team so we can get the most accurate answer for you.

In the mean time if there is anything else we can help with just let us know as we are happy to help.

10 Jan

    Ubi-Peach on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @bright_one! That is quite odd. Do you know when this started happening? Would you be able to capture this on video?

    Ubi-Peach on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @malyfousek. We are unable to revert your update, but we would be happy to keep looking into this graphical issue. Were you able to get a screenshot of your in-game graphic settings?

    Ubi-Peach on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @carysam! Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I am going to be sending this up as feedback to the appropriate team for review. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. 🙂

    Ubi-Peach on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Tru_ryan. I apologize you are unable to launch your game. We are currently looking into an issue that is causing the game to launch to a black screen. Could you please start a support ticket with this information and provide your...

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    Ubi-Nacho on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

@fiep_fiep Hello there!

Thank you for the screenshots illustrating the issues you've been seeing with skyscrapers at the moment. Glad to hear that verifying the files seems to have fixed the issue with the panorama effect on new skyscrapers. As for the old skyscrapers, does this issue remain if you move them to a new location, and back again?

In regards to certain shaped skyscrapers disappearing before others when zooming out, your report and screenshots have been forwarded to the game team for further investigation. We may be back in touch should the team need ...

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    Ubi-Peach on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @lawrencepepper. Apologies for these issues you're facing. I would like to take a look into this a bit further. Could I have you verify your game files? This will just ensure that everything is properly there and not causing these bugs. Additionally, do you happen to have a video showing your trade route not operating correctly?

I also ask that you have your game ...

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